How to Expand Inventory in Minecraft Legends

Minecraft Legends Expand Inventory cover

Inventory management is important in Minecraft: Legends as players will have to constantly gather resources to build structures around the Well of Fate as well as around villages in order to protect them. Heroes will start off with minimal resource capacity which can be expanded by building special structures.

Read ahead as we go through the methods of expanding inventory space in Minecraft: Legends.

There are two ways of expanding your inventory space to be able to carry more resources: building Improvement: Gather structures and building Improvement: Allay Storage structures. Both structures can be built within the range of an Improvement Hub and they can be unlocked once you gather the resources needed to build them.

Building Improvement: Gather - How to Expand Inventory in Minecraft Legends

Building Improvement: Gather

Improvement: Gather structures are the buildings that you need to build in order to be able to gather certain resources such as Iron, Coal, Redstone, and Diamond. Each structure built will expand your maximum inventory for a specific resource by 150.

All different types of Improvement: Gather buildings will require 100 Stone and 100 Prismarine per building.

Building Improvement: Allay Storage - How to Expand Inventory in Minecraft Legends

Building Improvement: Allay Storage

Improvement: Allay Storage is an upgrade that you can get in order to expand your inventory to be able to carry more of the basic resources. Each structure will expand your maximum inventory for the following:

  • +500 Wood
  • +500 Stone
  • +150 Lapis
  • +150 Prismarine
  • +150 Gold

You will need the following resources in order to build one Improvement: Allay Storage:

  • 100 Stone
  • 100 Prismarine
  • 10 Gold

If you like this guide, be sure to check out our other Minecraft Legends articles here.

Minecraft Legends is available now on Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S