Syzygy is the sixth and final chapter of Jusant. Now with an adult ballast accompanying them, the kid and the companion make their way to the very peak of the tower, where they must make the final climb to the top of the monument and unlock the secret of the disappearance of rain. Read ahead as we walk you through the events of Mirage in Jusant and share the locations of all the chapter’s collectibles to assist you in obtaining every trophy in the game.
Note: There are no collectibles in this chapter, but there are achievements exclusive to this chapter.
As you alight the ballast, you’ll then need to make your way to the middle of the crater to reach the tower in the middle.
While on your walk, you’ll start to notice that there are also dozens of frozen ballasts around. Take the time to approach one and use your companion’s echo on the frozen ballast to unlock the Awakened Memory achievement.
Also, you’ll be carrying your ballast companion with you. If you use your climbing buttons while in the show, you’ll be hugging your companion tighter warming up the ballast, unlocking the A Faint Glimmer achievement. This achievement can only be done while you’re on the ground, as you will be putting your companion back in the bag once you start climbing.
Once you reach the base of the tower, you’ll see an anchor on the side of the entrance. Latch on to it, as you will be making a long climb on the outer side of the tower.
The outside wall of the tower is lined up with constellations. The constellations that have pegs are the ones that you can climb on to, and not all of the constellations are climbable. You’ll have to be strategic in planning where you’ll have to go as well as doing your jumps, as the rest points are far apart. You can also either do double jumps or piton swings to reach some of the pegs that are far away.
Once you reach the first window, go through it and head to the other side where you can continue your climb. The same goes for the second window, except you will have to swing to the stairs inside the tower to reach the other side.

From the third window, you will only need to climb the last leg until you reach the top ledge. From there, climb the stairs until you reach the receptacle, then interact with it.
The final cutscene will then play, where the frozen ballasts come back to life and start flying up to the sky. The ballast companion will also regain its strength and join the herd, but not before saying farewell to the kid. Rain then starts falling from the sky, and the game’s credits start rolling.
Well done for finishing Jusant! After beating the game, you’ll unlock the Water Piper achievement.
See our previous Jusant Chapter Walkthroughs: