Let There Be Light Destiny 2 Guardian Games 2023 Guide

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The Let There Be Light Destiny 2 medal is an odd combat achievement. But one that seems to be causing some confusion within the community. For now, just know that you need to perform this action to complete the Super Strength Daily Bounty provided by Eva at the Tower.

Super Strength Daily Bounty

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At the center of the confusion lies the vagueness of the Bouty. The description goes as follows:

Earn Let There Be Light Vanguard Medals during Guardian Games playlist activities.

Notice that it never mentions what Let There Be Light is even hinting towards. The only that it makes clear is you can get this Medal in Guardian Games-approved activities, most notably the special Vanguard Strike.

Now that we know what’s causing the confusion, let’s talk about how you can get the medals and complete the Super Strength Daily Bouty.

How to Get Let There Be Light Medals

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To get the Let There Be Light Vanguard Medal, you need to rapidly defeat a group of enemies using your Super. Roaming Supers like the Hunter’s Silk Strike does the job best but the same results can occur using a well-aimed Nova Bomb.

Now, to get the Super Strength Daily Bounty, you need to do get three Let There Be Light medals. You don’t need to get them in one go. But with how fast you can get your Super in the Special playlist, it is very likely that you can get the Bounty after one run.

We hope that this quick guide was useful to you in some shape and form. Congratulations to the winners of this week’s Guardian Games (You know who you are!) And let’s get ready to run it all back after next week’s Weekly Reset. Good luck, Competitors!

Destiny 2 Guardian Games will continue to run until the start of Season 21 Season of the Deep on May 23, 2023.

Senior Editor