Saved by Kindness is one of the substories in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth. Kasuga meets a lost tourist and helps him find his hotel. Read ahead as we go through the steps on how to clear the Saved by Kindness substory in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth.
See previous: Substory #11 – Wait for Me
Substory #12: Saved by Kindness Location
The Saved by Kindness substory can be encountered in Chapter 3 along Makani Ave. after talking to Jeff at the Taco Truck at least once.
Substory #12: Saved by Kindness Walkthrough

To start the substory, look for a guy who appears to be in distress. You will later learn that his name is Sawai and that he just arrived in Hawaii, but he already lost his phone, where all the details of his accommodations are. All he remembers is that the name of his hotel is Beachside Hotel, so you go around to ask the locals where the hotel is.

After searching for a while and not finding the hotel, a local girl named Kiana arrives and gives out a lei to Sawai. She runs out of leis to give, so she gives Kasuga a White Plumeria instead. She then manages to help out by saying that there is a Seaside Hotel nearby, which made Sawai realize that it is the correct name of the hotel. Kiana offers to lead Sawai to his hotel, but not before asking for a donation for her hula school, to which Sawai agrees.
This is an episodic substory where you will have to meet up with Sawai multiple times to complete it, so it is best to do it along with another episode substory such as Substory #9 A Love as Sweet as Lemons, which happens around the same area. Alternate between doing the segments of both substories to proceed.

The next time that you meet Sawai, he will treat you to a meal for helping him earlier. As you go through the city, Sawai will be stopped by an officer who alleges that Sawai jaywalked. Instead of giving him a fine, he asked for a donation instead.

Next, an old woman approaches Sawai and gives him a shirt. She then asked for some donation which she claims will go to the poor.

Shortly after, a parrot flies on Sawai’s shoulder and its owner chases him. The owner then offers to take pictures with the parrot, and then asks for some donation to feed his pet.

Kasuga gets suspicious and worried about Sawai getting obviously rinsed and scammed by the locals for being a clueless tourist, but Sawai appears to not mind it at all. During the meal, you will have a personality chance; select “The lei girl?” to get some Kindness points. Sawai shares that he left Japan to start a new life in Hawaii since he wasn’t treated well in his previous workplace, which is why he felt like he was needed by despite being scammed.

Still worried about Sawai, follow him as he meets up with Kiana once again. You then meet two locals that say that Kiana is just doing it to scam easy to target tourists out of their money. After their talk, you head over to Sawai where you have that option to tell him the truth or not. Regardless of what you say, Sawai still wants to support Kiana, a conversation that Kiana actually overhears from the corner.

On your next visit, you will see Sawai handing over his umbrella to Kiana since it is raining. He offers to make another donation, but Kiana refuses and says that the umbrella he gave is enough.

Next, Sawai visits Kiana once again to make a donation, but Kiana refuses and tells him to not see her again before she runs off. Sawai then follows after her and sees her surrounded by men.

It is then revealed that Kiana is being forced to get money from tourists by masking them as donations as she owns a big debt. Sawai tries to confront the men, but he gets easily brought to the ground.

You then arrive to the scene and tell the men to let Kiana go. Defeat all of them to proceed.

After the fight, Sawai and Kiana reconciled, as Sawai had decided to stay beside Kiana and help her pay off her debts, which Kiana accepted. The two then see a troubled tourist nearby, and they help her find her hotel. You then get the Happy Lei as a reward for completing the substory.