Paradise, Hawaiian Style is the second chapter of Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth. Kasuga meets Sawashiro once again, but this time, the former captain reveals that Kasuga’s mother is still alive, and he wants Kasuga to meet her in person in Hawaii. Read ahead as we go through the events of Chapter 2 Paradise, Hawaiian Style of Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, and also share some tips and tricks for a better playing experience.
See previous: Chapter 1 – Doin’ the Best I Can
Chapter Objectives:

Kasuga proceeds to talk to Sawashiro who then reveals that despite him having a plan to kill Chairman Hoshino, Aoki sent someone to kill the chairman before Sawashiro could. Still caring for his biological son, Sawashiro still took the blame. But thanks to Ebina, Sawashiro was set free early from his sentence in exchange for working under the Seiryu Clan.

Sawashiro then tells Kasuga to prepare his passport and meet him at the Heian Tower as he has a favor to ask Kasuga. The next day, Kasuga tells the other two of his conversation with Sawashiro and they decide to accompany him to the meeting place.
Go to Heian Tower to meet Sawashiro

For the next objective, you can either go quickly to the Heian Tower by taking a taxi or make your way there on foot.

Go inside the Heian Tower to proceed with the meeting with Sawashiro. Sawashiro then reveals that his favor to Kasuga is for him to fly out to Hawaii so that he could meet his biological mother, Kishida Akane. Ever since Kasuga and Aoki were switched at birth, Kasuga never met his real mother, and so as part of atoning for his sins, Sawashiro is shouldering Kasuga’s expenses for the trip to Hawaii.
Sawashiro also reveals that he met with Akane and that it was her wish to remain hidden, which is why he lied to Arakawa about Akane’s death.
Talk to the party at Survive

After the meeting, head over to Survive where Kasuga will tell the other two about his upcoming trip to Hawaii.
Take a cab to Arakawa’s grave

Before leaving, head over to Arakawa’s grave by taking a taxi.
Head to a taxi stand near the station

Once you’re back at the house, you will be stopped by Nancy by the door. You then get to choose whether or not to bring Nancy with you on your trip.

Shortly after going down the stairs, you will encounter a degenerate which starts the Substory #2: Sujimon, Generation II.

Defeat this guy and you with Sujimon Sensei once more who, just like before, asks you to go look for Sujimon and defeat them to fill the Sujidex. You will still meet more sujimon while in Hawaii which will help you complete this side quest.

After saving his goodbyes to Adachi and Nanba, Kasuga then rides the taxi and takes his flight to Hawaii.

Before alighting the plane, Kasuga spots a handicapped passenger and offers his help to carry the passenger on to his wheelchair.

Once you arrive in Hawaii, your money will be automatically converted from yen to dollars with a conversion rate of 100 yen to 1 dollar. You will also start earning rewards in dollars, too.
Find a driver who knows Japanese

Upon getting out of the airport, head over to the taxi on the east side and talk to him to get a ride. You then hand over the envelope with Akane’s address on it to the driver.

After some conversations and a long drive, Kasuga finds out that he’s being conned as the driver takes him to a back alley. With a gun pointing at Kasuga, the driver tries to intimidate him, but Kasuga easily takes the gun away.

The driver doesn’t back down and challenges Kasuga to a fight. Defeat the driver to proceed.

The driver does a dirty trick and calls the cops on Kasuga and even swallows the envelope. Luckily, the guy who Kasuga helped in the airplane arrives with a photo evidence and manages to convince the cops to chase after the driver instead.

Kasuga thanks the guy who saved him who introduces himself as Mitamura Eiji. With the envelope gone, Kasuga doesn’t have an address to follow, but Eiji thinks that he could get the address from one of the photos he took through his computer.

The two then go through the streets of Hawaii as they head back to Eiji’s place. They stop by a restaurant by the beach to grab some meal and take some rest.
Find the scarf at the beach

While at the beach, a woman cries of help as she lost her scarf by the water. You then get to swim into the water to retrieve the scarf. Pay attention to Eiji’s navigation to find which circle the scarf can be retrieved from.

After giving back the scarf to the woman and messing around with some coconuts, the two continue making their way back to Eiji’s place when they spot another woman being harassed by some men. Defeat the men to continue. During the fight, Eiji will be helping you at the side with some buffs.
Grab a light meal at the café

Eiji decides to grab a quick snack first before heading back. Before going to the nearby café, check the magazine stands nearby to get some Free Magazines. You can read these magazines to get some job XP for your current job.

The two then make it back to Eiji’s place where Eiji works on retrieving the address.

Eiji then manages to get the address from his photo, but then some thugs get into his place, including the driver from earlier.

It turns out that the driver’s car was leased by this syndicate and it was towed by the police. Now the syndicate is looking for a way to pay back for the car and they set their eye on Eiji’s computer. The leader, Yamai Yutaka, steps in and orders his men to beat up Kasuga and take the computer.

Defeat all of Yamai’s men. After defeating the last guy, Yamai throws one of them at Eiji, making the computer fall to the ground. Eiji will be occupied for a few turns while he works on his computer. Continue fighting Yamai until he is defeated.

The two then manage to escape and get to a safer place to stay for the night. The following morning, they bid their farewells to each other as Kasuga makes his way to his mother’s home.

Kasuga arrives at the house on the address, knocks on the door and introduces himself. After a few moments of silence and some more knocks, a voice from inside the house finally lets him in. The chapter then ends as Kasuga heads inside. You also unlock the Fish Out of Water achievement for completing Chapter 2.