Metal Gear Rising 10th Anniversary Event Announced

Maybe a remaster, remake, or sequel?

Platinum Games has recently announced that it will be celebrating the Metal Gear Rising 10th anniversary and it seems they are planning something.

According to a new post on the game developer’s official Twitter account, they will be celebrating the Metal Gear Rising’s anniversary this coming February 21, 2023. This is its tenth anniversary since its first release.

The translated post says that on the day of the event, Platinum Games will be unveiling a new MGR anniversary art to commemorate it. While this is the literal translation of the new post, some are taking it for a new hint of probably a remaster, a remake, or maybe a sequel to the game.

Some are already speculating that since it is the tenth anniversary of the game, it was about time that at least a new modernized version of the game should be announced. It would be better if it was a remake of the whole game with modern visuals and better gameplay mechanics with today’s game engine. Some are wishing that a sequel is going to be announced together with the new art that will be unveiled later this month.

metal gear rising revengeance

These speculations could happen since Bayonetta 3 is already done. It would also be a great opportunity to announce a new version of the game on that day. Or, the reveal would be just a new artwork done by its great artists and that would be it.

Former News Editor