Kojima Reveals Interesting New Information About MGSV Ground Zeroes

How Ground Zeroes was really planned for.

Hideo Kojima has recently shared new information about Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes and its secrets as part of a larger plan.

Kojima recently posted on Twitter to celebrate the ninth anniversary of MGSV Ground Zeroes after was asked about the game. He revealed that it was actually an experiment for a series of episodic games. This was supposed to be the first episode of the franchise.

” In fact, it was my big intention to launch GZ,” Kojima said. “The development of a full game takes for 4-5 yrs. Times change during production. So I thought of offering an episodic format, like a streamed drama, where one episode is produced and distributed. GZ was meant to be an experiment.”

Kojima revealed on his Japanese Twitter account that the plan was going to produce one episode and distribute it then distribute episode 2 and 3 while getting feedback. Something unexpected happened because many fans thought Ground Zeroes was going to be a full game after it launched. He felt that it was too early to launch.

Kojima is now working on Death Stranding 2.

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