One Lonely Outpost Multiplayer Explained

Find out how multiplayer works in One Lonely Outpost and what to expect during early access with the help of this guide.

One Lonely Outpost featured image

Building your own colony can be lonely, which is why you’re curious if One Lonely Outpost has multiplayer. Playing with friends is always more fun, and what better way to build your colony than by recruiting the assistance of other players? Find out if there is multiplayer in One Lonely Outpost and if split screen couch coop is available.

Is There Multiplayer in One Lonely Outpost?

There are plans to add multiplayer to One Lonely Outpost in the future, but not during its current state in Early Access. The game’s multiplayer plans to let you invite up to 3 other players into your colony, which can help you build up and play mini-games.

Plans for multiplayer have been confirmed by the developers over at the official Discord channel. However, the One Lonely Outpost multiplayer features won’t be available until later, at an unspecified date. We don’t know how far into Early Access development until multiplayer is implemented.

One Lonely Outpost is planned strictly for online multiplayer. Developers have also confirmed in their Discord channel that there won’t be any split-screen couch coop for One Lonely Outpost. You’ll have to be connected online to be able to play with other players.

Once multiplayer is implemented for One Lonely Outpost, it’ll be a lot more fun. Like other farming simulators, we expect that other players will be able to help you build up your own colony. You’ll also be able to take part in mini-games together, so there’s plenty to do.

Senior Editor