Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl can indeed seem like a mouthful. These two are remakes from the 2006 Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl. And like their source material, both versions have their own unique differences. If you’re having trouble deciding which one is for you, we noted every differences between the two versions so you can make a decision. Here are all of them.
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond vs Pokémon Shining Pearl
What is the difference between Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl? Both Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl are remakes. On the surface, there actually isn’t that much differences between the two versions. With the exception of one key aspect. Whether you get Brilliant Diamond or Shining Pearl, the Pokémon you encounter changes dramatically.
Brilliant Diamond Exclusive Pokémon
Here are all the exclusive Pokémon you can find in Brilliant Diamond.
No. | Pokémon | Type | Picture |
10 | Caterpie | Bug | |
11 | Metapod | Bug | |
12 | Butterfree | Bug, Flying | |
23 | Ekans | Poison | |
24 | Arbok | Poison | |
58 | Growlithe | Fire | |
59 | Arcanine | Fire | |
86 | Seel | Water | |
87 | Dewgoing | Water, Ice | |
123 | Scyther | Bug, Flying | |
125 | Electabuzz | Electric | |
198 | Murkow | Dark, Flying | |
207 | Gligar | Ground, Flying | |
212 | Scizor | Bug, Steel | |
239 | Elekid | Electric | |
243 | Raikou | Electric | |
244 | Entei | Fire | |
245 | Suicuine | Water | |
246 | Larvitar | Rock, Ground | |
247 | Pupitar | Rock, Ground | |
248 | Tyranitar | Rock, Dark | |
250 | Ho-Oh | Fire, Flying | |
273 | Seedot | Grass | |
274 | Nuzleaf | Grass, Dark | |
275 | Shiftry | Grass, Dark | |
303 | Mawile | Steel, Fairy | |
335 | Zangoose | Normal | |
338 | Solrock | Rock, Psychic | |
352 | Kecleon | Normal | |
408 | Cranidos | Rock | |
409 | Rampardos | Rock | |
430 | Honchkrow | Dark, Flying | |
434 | Stunky | Poison, Dark | |
435 | Skuntank | Poison, Dark | |
466 | Electivire | Electric | |
472 | Gliscor | Ground, Flying | |
483 | Dialga | Steel, Dragon |
Shining Pearl Exclusive Pokémon
Here are all the exclusive Pokémon you can find in Shining Pearl.
No. | Pokémon | Type | Picture |
13 | Weedle | Bug, Poison | |
14 | Kakuna | Bug, Poison | |
15 | Beedrill | Bug, Poison | |
27 | Sandshrew | Ground | |
28 | Sandslash | Ground | |
37 | Vulpix | Fire | |
38 | Ninetales | Fire | |
79 | Slowpoke | Water, Psychic | |
80 | Slowbro | Water, Psychic | |
126 | Magmar | Fire | |
127 | Pinsir | Bug | |
144 | Articuno | Ice, Flying | |
145 | Zapdos | Electric, Flying | |
146 | Moltres | Fire, Flying | |
199 | Slowking | Water, Psychic | |
200 | Misdreavus | Ghost | |
216 | Teddiursa | Normal | |
217 | Ursaring | Normal | |
234 | Stantler | Normal | |
240 | Magby | Fire | |
249 | Lugia | Psychic, Flying | |
270 | Lotad | Water, Grass | |
271 | Lombre | Water, Grass | |
272 | Ludicolo | Water, Grass | |
302 | Sableye | Dark, Ghost | |
336 | Seviper | Poison | |
337 | Lunatone | Rock, Psychic | |
371 | Bagon | Dragon | |
372 | Shelgon | Dragon | |
373 | Salamence | Dragon, Flying | |
410 | Shieldon | Rock, Steel | |
411 | Bastiodon | Rock, Steel | |
429 | Mismagius | Ghost | |
431 | Glameow | Normal | |
432 | Purugly | Normal | |
467 | Magmortar | Fire | |
484 | Palkia | Water, Dragon |
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl: New and Reworked Features
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl isn’t just a one-to-one remake. If you’ve played the original source material, then you’ll find that Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are hosts to new and reworked features that makes playing the game an all new experience. Here are all of them.

An All New Pokétech
Since the original Diamond and Pearl was played on the Nintendo DS, the UI placement is significantly different. In the original, the Pokétech was always at the bottom screen of the DS. But since that’s impossible for the one screen Nintendo Switch, you can now pull up the Pokédex whenever you need it.
The Pokédex still has its original features. You’ll find the Friendship Tracker, Dowsing Machine, Memo Pad, and Clock exactly where they used to be. However, there is one major change to the Pokédex. Unlike before where you have to keep one Pokémon around that knows HM moves, the Pokédex can call upon wild Pokémon to perform HM like Cut, Rock Climb, or Surf.
Pokémon Underground and Hideaways
The Underground has faced some reworking in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. While you’ll still be able to excavate rocks for fossils and other items, build your personal home base, and play with fellow Pokémon trainers in the Grand Underground there has been a new feature called “Pokémon Hideaways” that you’re going to really enjoy.
The Pokémon Hideaways are essentially hidden habitats filled with special Pokémon who may not be native to the Sinnoh region at all. The way to access these Pokémon Hideaways is via your home base. The placement of different Pokémon statues seem to affect what type of special Pokémon you encounter.
Pokémon Contests
Pokémon Contests are back and bigger than ever. This time called “Super Contest Shows” they’re separated into five different categories. Your Pokémon will be judged based on their Cuteness, Cleverness and etc across four rankings:
- Master
- Ultra
- Great
- Normal
You can compete in Super Contest Shows against NPCs in the game or against rival trainers using online connection.

You Pokémon will be judged in these contests based on three evaluations:
- Visual – how well a certain condition for a Pokémon has been honed. This includes your Capsule Decorations you’ve attached to that specific Pokémon’s Poké Ball.
- Dance – this will put you in a rhythm mini-game.
- Move – as the rhythm mini-game progress, you’ll get the opportunity to use a Contest Move. You can create a Move Chain by repeatedly timing it correctly which gives extra points.
Capsule Decorations
There are 90 stickers in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. 20 of which can be added to a Poké Ball for decoration. This will add some style to your Pokémon as they battle.
Ramanas Park
Replacing the Pal Park from the original is the Ramanas Park. The Ramanas Park can only be accessible after completing the main story. After you’ve beaten the Elite Four, you can head to the Ramanas Park to encounter legendary Pokémon by placing slates correctly.
Load Up Your Previous Saves
If you’ve got a save from Pokémon Sword and Shield from your Nintendo Switch, you can gain access to Mew and Jirachi. You’ll also be able to get a Manaphy egg if you purchased the game early.

Amity Square
In Hearthome City, Amity Square has been tweaked a bit to allow you to bring six Pokémon with you. You can make Poffins here. You can also choose one Pokémon from your party to leave their Poké Ball and follow you outside.
If you don’t like the way your trainer looks, don’t worry. You can customize their outfit and purchase new clothes to wear.
Featured With Pokémon Home
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl is expected to be featured with Pokémon Home this 2022. This means that any Pokémon you catch in this game can be transferred over to future Pokémon titles.