Star Wars Battlefront 2’s Microtransactions Making a Return?! EA Denies Disney Pressure to Remove Them

There’s not a soul out there on Earth that knows about gaming that doesn’t know about the controversy that Star Wars Battlefront 2 racked up the whole year. The game was on everybody’s shit list. Oddly enough, despite the negative reception, there were still many players online.

Most of Battlefront 2’s community backlash has much to do with its loot boxes, more specifically the unfairness in microtransactions, which gave favors to players who paid more for the game. The backlash was so bad, that EA had to remove microtransactions just to help ease up the game’s reputation. Much of it, is rumored to be under Disney’s pressure.

It seems that now the talk has died, EA has decided to bring back microtransactions to earn a bit more of what they had lost. EA CFO, Blake Jorgensen, confirmed that microtransactions will be making a return sometime soon.

In other related news, EA has denied that they were pressured by Disney to remove the microtransactions in the first place. With CEO Andrew Wilson making the following statement: “You shouldn’t believe everything you read in the press. We have a tremendous relationship with Disney and built amazing games together. At this point, when we make the decision we have the right model for players and the community, I have no doubt we will be supported by Disney.”

Wilson seems to thoroughly believe that if the microtransaction systems were more optional it can help enhance the game’s overall experience and even make it more enjoyable, “Digital economies have a place, and we will continue to drive and focus on that. The teams are working on how that context will apply to the Battlefront universe, but more on that in the months to come.”

Whether EA will receive backlash for implementing microtransactions again remains to be seen in the nearby future.

Senior Editor