Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life Sheep Guide

This guide talks about how to raise Sheep in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life.

Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life Sheep cover

Sheep are one of the animals that can be raised on the farm in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life. These fluffy animals are known for their soft coat, which can be sheared to get wool. Read ahead as we talk more about raising Sheep in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life.

How to get Sheep

How to get Sheep in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life

To get Sheep on your farm, you can order them through the farm’s Ledger. Both male and female sheep cost 3,000G each. Once ordered, they will be delivered to your barn the next day. They will arrive as lambs at first, which will then mature into adults after a few days.

Alternatively, you can get more sheep through breeding with your own pair, or through the Order Breeding option in the Ledger. Sheep can only get pregnant if you have at least one available slot in your barn.

Taking care of Sheep

Sheep need to be fed daily by either placing fodder in their feeding troughs or letting them graze in the pasture on clear days. They also need to be snuggled with to raise their affection, and brushed to make sure they stay clean and healthy. Avoid letting them stay outside under the rain to prevent them from getting sick.

Shearing Sheep

How to Shear a Sheep in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life

Once they turn into adults, sheep can produce Wool, which can be sheared using the Clippers. They can only be sheared once every 5 days. The amount of wool that you get will depend on the clippers that you have and the sheep’s health, while its quality will depend on the animal’s affection level.

Taking care of a pregnant sheep and a lamb

Taking care of a pregnant sheep and a lamb in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life

When a sheep gets pregnant and is about to give birth, its cheeks will become flushed, and you will have to move it over to the pen inside the farm. Once it gives birth, you will have to name the new lamb and assign it its own feeding trough. The lamb becomes an adult sheep after 8 days.

Wool Production

Wool is considered the most lucrative animal product that can be sold in SoS:AWL. With how little effort you have to put into maintaining and caring for a sheep, wool can become a passive income generator for the farm. Both female and male sheep can produce wool. The higher a sheep’s affection is, the better the quality of the wool they produce.

Here are the prices of the wool depending on their quality:

  • Pink Wool – 3,000G
  • Blue Wool – 4,500G
  • Gold Wool – 6,000G

The amount of wool that you get will depend on how healthy the animal is and how high its affection is. This amount can be doubled if you use the Goddess Clippers when shearing their wool.

Staff Writer