Everybody lost their Heartless minds last July 15, 2017 at the D23 Expo, with the new trailer for Kingdom Hearts III. The...
In a press release, Square Enix has officially announced that the classic RPG from 2004 will be launching this May...
Square Enix and Marvel Entertainment’s announcement of their upcoming The Avengers project seems to be promising for a Marvel-based videogame....
Publisher Square Enix have announced that their remastered edition of the classic 2D action platformer and city-building sim, Actraiser Renaissance,...
Babylon’s Fall, being a live service hack-and-slash game, has many items to give those who pre-ordered the Digital Deluxe Edition...
The climb up the Zigurath is supposed to be an epic feat that involves the determination of an empire looking...
Square Enix and Platinum Games released more gameplay footage for Babylon’s Fall. Continuing where previous trailers left off, we get...
A few days ago, Square Enix released a New Year’s Special commercial for its action RPG Babylon’s Fall. The commercial...
The official dates of the CBT finally announced by Square Enix.
Game company Square Enix recently shared new details about the new chapters for upcoming video game Balan Wonderworld. There are...