Sucker Punch has officially revealed the next Ghost series game to be released for the PlayStation during the State of...
Sucker Punch recently shared an update about some certain servers and they kind of also revealed some bad news for...
At CES (Consumer Electronics Show) 2022, Sony Interactive Entertainment had recently announced that Ghost of Tsushima total sales have surpassed eight million sales.
Starting from its August launch, sales of the game sky rocketed to the #2 spot in the highest selling games list for that month.
Game studio Sucker Punch has officially released update 2.08 of video game Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut PS5 version, which...
A leaker has claimed that the PS5 version of Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut PS5 version is more "incredible" than the PS4 version.
Pre-ordering the game in full can now avail the pre-load one week ahead.
Mythic Tales in Ghost of Tsushima are special side quests that require Jin to go through great lengths in order to unlock powerful gear and techniques.
Sucker Punch answers how travel to Iki Island works.
3D audio feature of the PS5 just makes the immersion of this game out of this world.