Take-Two Terminates Development and Publishing Agreement with People Can Fly New Game

Seems like People Can Fly only share bad news lately.

Developer People Can Fly recently shared a statement to announce that Take-Two has now pulled out of the agreement of publishing its upcoming new game.

According to the announcement, Take-Two has sent a letter to People Can Fly to detail its “intent to terminate the development and publishing agreement by means of mutual understanding between the parties.” The upcoming title is currently code named Project Dagger.

After the split, People Can Fly will still retain the intellectual property rights to the game, which means the developers are free to continue the project if they want to, which is their plan. However, the devs will have to play back Take-Two for the money they have invested to fund Project Dagger’s costs. No details yet have been given of how they will do this.

Project Dagger has been in development for two years and Take-Two just leaves. No details about the new project have been divulged, so we only know it is a new IP and its codename.

People Can Fly CEO Sebastian Wojciechowski shared this statement:

I assume we will part on good terms, and I don’t see reasons why we couldn’t work with Take-Two on some other project in the future. We strongly believe in the Project Dagger’s potential and are now committed to continue its development within our self-publishing pipeline. The game is still in pre-production – our team is now focusing on closing combat and game loops and migrate from UE4 to UE5. I’m conscious that this decision will add investments on us, but self-publishing is part of our strategy. Of course, we are not ruling out working with a new publisher if this creates a compelling business opportunity.

Project Dagger continues its development.

Former News Editor