OverBorder Studio and Team17 have recently announced the Thymesia Nintendo Switch version launching with other platforms.
Thymesia Nintendo Switch Version Confirmed
Thymesia adds a new platform to its list and that is the Nintendo Switch. This version will launch together with the PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S versions on August 18, 2022. The Switch version will be playable via Cloud Streaming.
Story and Gameplay
Players will be following the mysterious masked Corvus as he attempts to save the once-thriving kingdom of Hermes from the bloodthirsty and plague-ridden enemies that litter the streets.
The game combines fast-paced combat with an intricate plague weapon system. It allows the player to customize several aspects of their build, from chaining longer combos to altering the dodge mechanic and widening the defect window, players can take on the unforgiving enemies in a way that best suits their playstyle.

Thymesia launches on August 18, 2022. It will be available on PC, PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and now on Nintendo Switch via Cloud Streaming.
Source: Press Release