If you’re checking out Valorant agent tier lists, we’ve compiled this list intended for players seeking assistance in climbing the ranks. Tier lists are beneficial to guide in choosing the best agent in Valorant, whether you’re playing solo or with a squad.
Valorant is Riot Games’ first foray into the first-person shooter genre, and the new Episode Patch 4.7 is kicking things up a notch with significant agent changes that are stirring things up in the meta.
Valorant’s meta has evolved along with the game’s growth into a truly competitive tactical shooter. There are now 18 agents to choose from, making it more difficult than ever to choose the ideal one for you and your team. In order to make your life easier, we’ve compiled this simple Valorant tier list for you.
Disclaimer: We recognize that the order of these tiers is subjective and that your expectations may differ from ours. Our tier list leans more towards coordinated teamplay rather solo carry.
Valorant Agent Tier List – Best Agents Ranked for Patch 4.7
Tier | Agents |
S-tier | Jett, Skye, Reyna, Neon, Sova, Viper |
A-tier | Sage, Killjoy, Astra, Raze, Cypher, Chamber |
B-tier | Breach, Omen, KAY/O |
C-tier | Yoru, Phoenix, Brimstone |
All the agents in the pool have been divided into 4 categories based on the current meta to help you make the best choice, with the S-Tier ranked as the highest, to the C-Tier as the least.
Not all agents are created equal, as we must always keep in mind. But none of them is pretty much unplayable. All of the guns in the game are shared, which makes it easier for Riot Games to keep the strengths and weaknesses of its characters in check.
S Tier Valorant Agents
S Tier agents represent the pinnacle of the field and are held in high regard. Their excellent survivability and excellent team synergy make them an ideal option.

As a result of her diverse set of skills, Jett has been able to hold on to her position as Valorant’s top agent. She is the offensive agent who is able to knock down her foes with relative ease while still allowing herself time to survive on the field.
Jett’s Drift, Updraft, and Tailwind skills, among others, give him tremendous mobility. Having all of these at her disposal allowed jet to monitor the area around her with ease and maneuver into and out of engagements at will. For defensive and planning purposes, Cloudburst also helps. Her Ultimate is particularly noteworthy, allowing her to do a significant amount of damage. As other renowned agents have been nerfed, Jett has developed to fill the hole.
Jett is one of the greatest characters in our Valorant tier list 2022 because of her abilities and her freedom to move across the battlefield. We believe she will continue to be the most popular agent through 2022.

With her new upgrades, Skye has become one of the most powerful initiators in the game. She is able to take use of her flashes more effectively thanks to her faster weapon re-equip. Her wolf, on the other hand, is now more visible and has a longer concussion timeframe for the target.
They are useful since they can go quickly across the map and around numerous corners. Flashing, for instance, over Icebox’s tall walls or all the way through and around U-Hall. In addition, her flashes give the team information via her voice callouts, which they can hear.
Her ultimate, which provides information on the enemy’s whereabouts, is also of great benefit to the squad. With her flash and the pressure of her teammates, it may also lead to easy kills.

Despite the fact that Reyna has a high ceiling to soar off of, she may be one extreme or another specialty owing to the fact that she requires kills to power her Q/E usage.
Despite her distinct reputation as a pub stomper, she’s been picking up some steam as an ace selection in ace play. Because no other specialist can equal her gripping power in clutch situations, she may be the best specialist for you if you’re strong enough.
Reyna is an excellent specialist if you want to play off-points. As a result, she is able to amaze her foes by holding incredible points of view.

Neon is perhaps Valorant’s greatest time specialist. While her brave sprinting and sliding into battle earns her some true style points, her unit’s overall strength and reliability might need some attention.
She is a high-risk, high-reward specialist, and her abilities are best suited to an all-in style of play. Overall, she doesn’t have any sort of separation like Reyna’s Dismiss, or Jett’s scramble, or even Chamber’s Rendezvous while slipping in and commencing duels
Neon excels in disengaged one-on-ones versus specialists who lack mobility, but her overall abilities are somewhat lackluster when it comes to separating enemy defenses. Unfortunately, she is vulnerable to hostile utility, such as delaying tactics like Nano swarms and Tripwires.

For team matches, Sova is a superb agent. Playing Sova is an art because of its capacity to recon and to deal a small bit of damage. You’ll need to know your angles if you want to play him. Only if you know where to aim your recon arrows can you get the most out of Sova’s.
Another useful tool for the archer is his drone, which is excellent for reconnaissance but can rapidly reveal your location. To designate opponents, it uses a dart, although it’s readily destroyed and difficult to hide.
Even though he’s the game’s top intelligence gatherer, he still needs to spend time honing his skills.

It is Viper’s specialty to target a single player or a whole opponent team with toxin-based damage. She is a Valorant offensive agent that gets the job done with her dynamic talents on the field. We believe that Viper will remain in our S-rank of Valorant tier list in 2022.
Starting out, she has the ability to inflict poisonous harm on her adversaries with passive abilities called Toxin and Fuel. For the rest of her abilities, she relies on the usage of noxious gas to encircle and injure everyone it comes into contact with.
Viper’s post-plant demeanor has been toned down recently, making her less frightening. Her ability to smoke for longer periods of time has also diminished. In spite of this, Viper is still a formidable opponent thanks to her versatile smokes and dazzling Ultimate.
Even with the different status effects that may be applied, Viper is an expert in draining opponent health and applying them. Depending on how you use her, she may be an excellent offensive and defensive asset.
A Tier Valorant Agents
In comparison to most other players, A Tier agents are very efficient. But even if they’re not as excellent as the S-tier characters, they’re still a serious contender.

Once upon a time, Valorant’s on-call medic was a vital member of any squad. Despite some significant nerfs, she has been able to maintain her tier position thanks to the diverse set of skills she possesses.
She still has useful slow and barrier orbs, which may be utilized to boost on top of boxes or similar obstructions for a height advantage when peeking for information or getting an early kill, even after the nerfs.
Even without Sage’s Orbs, the Agent’s Resurrection Ability can help you win a game, especially when the man-advantage is crucial. Because of this, she is deserving of A-Tier status despite its increased cost of eight points.

Killjoy is a versatile agent that excels in both offense and defense over a wide range of maps.
Having her ultimate at the proper place on a map like Haven A or Split B may have a significant impact on the outcome of battles. At times, it can imply an uncompensated retake or an uncompensated bomb plant.
It’s her (X) Lockdown, though, that really shines, clearing the way for your team to either place or defuse a spike in the middle of an enemy’s encampment.

Valorant may not be able to handle Astra’s galaxy-brained mentality. For the ordinary Joe, she’s a tough cookie to crack. She has great potential, but the pros made the most of her at the Masters.
Her kit is packed with features that make her a one-stop shop for all of your gaming needs. When it comes to what she can do, it’s more about what she can’t do than what she can.
Astra’s complexity and susceptibility used to be a major downside. However, with several players learning her talents, the character has fully lived up to her promise. Astra is a game-changer in scenarios where you and your team are communicating well. This makes her the most Valorant Agent.

In Valorant, mastering Raze’s powers might be a challenge, but once you do, she can be a deadly weapon in competitive matches. There are moments when Raze’s abilities look a touch lacking, but don’t let that fool you. Raze’s Ultimate can inflict huge damage with a single hit, and it also has high area-of-effect damage, making it a very useful tool.
Explosives play a large role in Raze’s other abilities as well. Explosive-charged Boom Bots allow you to hunt down foes with a lot of room for entrance while pushing. She also has the Blast Pack, which is a sticky explosive that detonates when in close contact to the user. Additionally, she has a cluster grenade that may be used to manage crowds.
As a Duelist, Raze is a fantastic complement to Chamber. She has the utility to keep the adversary off balance while also bringing outstanding Duelist skills to the table for her squad.
This means that Raze is a great aggressive agent who is always ready to lead your team’s frontal attack into hostile territory.

Cypher’s pick rate has plummeted as recent patches nerfed his cameras and tripwires. However, he is still one of the strongest information gatherers in the game, and his innovative Cyphers may be a nightmare for the opposition team to handle.
It is the Moroccan’s job to expose enemy whereabouts at any given moment with his Trapwires, Spy Camera, and Cages.
A critical piece of information that his Neural Theft offers is the position of every active enemy player in the game. Aside from losing his Trapwires at the start of a round, this agent has no other downside.

As the agent pool’s fourth sentinel, Chamber takes his place. Having only been launched lately, the lethal assassin is quickly becoming a valuable weapon for teams.
Chamber can instantly teleport anywhere on the map and utilize his Trademark ability to slow and imprison adversaries within a certain radius thanks to his powers. In the current meta, the newest sentinel is steadily rising the ranks and is regarded a good option on nearly every map
Currently, Chamber has a high pick rate on the majority of maps, with Breeze being the most notable exception. He can play a variety of roles in a match because of the tremendous versatility of his outfit and his ability to switch between them. As a site defender, pick-pusher, or long-range sniper, Chamber is a formidable ally.
B Tier Valorant Agents
Most players would consider B Tier agents to be just mediocre opponents. These agents aren’t overly strong, but neither do they exhibit any distinguishing characteristics that set them apart from the rest of the competition either.

Breach is one of the best offensive agents, in my opinion. His flashes and stuns have been given a boost recently, making them even more powerful. Breach, on the other hand, is excellent at securing territory on his own. Breach is the ideal choice if you’re looking for an agent that excels on offense while still playing above-average defense.
Because of Breach’s dynamic talents, more players are selecting the agent in late 2021 and early 2022. Aftershock and other skills like as blinding, dazed, and knocking his rivals to the ground are only some of the ways he may hurt his enemies.
Breach has trouble keeping up with the other Initiators despite his versatility on many maps. Breach is an outlier on Fracture, where it is extremely effective and frequently selected by professional players.

If you’re a fan of the Overwatch series, you’re definitely familiar with Omen’s powers. The agent, which looks a lot like Blizzard’s Reaper, has the ability to teleport. As long as you know how to use him, he can be an extremely lethal weapon against an organized and well-coordinated squad.
The secret to Omen’s success is its ability to remain unpredictability. If you want to get the upper hand over your opponents, you’ll need to think outside the box and come up with new ways to play Omen. His smoking aids and paranoia make him an excellent blinding agent for foes lurking around the corner. Omen is a great agent to check out if you’re new to the game.

When it comes to procedure, the Terminator of Valorant is still figuring things out. However, although some players are adept at using his equipment, others are still learning how to use his trailblazing knife properly. When it comes to initiators, Kay/O is an excellent choice in ranked games, but it’s not the only one.
In certain cases, KAY/O is better than Skye as an initiator, depending on the map and the playstyle of your team. As an example, Ascent believes that KAY/O has lately been selected above Skye in the draft. In addition, he has a knife that may disable opponent abilities and destabilize defensive positions, making site pushes more efficient.
Overall, we believe KAY/O has the potential to become one of the top agents in the game if he receives a big upgrade in his skills. We don’t see the sense in playing this agent in 2022, and neither will a professional player.
C Tier Valorant Agents
The use of C Tier agents should only be considered as a last option. They deal little damage, aren’t very tough to take down, and don’t do much for the squad as a whole.

Professional players who have been playing Valorant from the game’s debut have a low opinion of Yoru. Furthermore, he is rarely seen even in competitive games, and even in recreational online games. Despite Yoru’s promise, he won’t go far even in 2022 if Riot Games doesn’t make substantial changes to his skills.
As a general rule, Yoru’s ability set is designed to fool and outwit opponents. When employed correctly, he may flash, teleport, and deceive opponents. Due of the inaccuracy of his powers, he is unsuitable for competitive play
However, the most recent patch has shown some affection for Yoru. While competing in the Ultimate, he is able to see well and use his flash. Consequently, Dimensional Drift has become an even more potent Ultimate. In addition, he now has an additional flash to play with thanks to the overhaul of his footsteps.
As a result, Yoru remains a setback because of his inability to put his skills to use. In 2022, he may find that the Valorant community has greater affection for him if he receives some more improvements to his talents.

When it comes to Valorant’s “average” Agents, Phoenix is the best. Nothing special, but not terrible either.
With his Run It Back ultimate, he used to be one of the biggest team players among all Duelists. Additionally, he has the ability to heal himself in the event that he is injured. But that’s all there is to this British Duelist.
Unlike other notable characters like Jett, or Reyna’s invulnerability and healing abilities, Phoenix doesn’t have the same impact on the battlefield. However, in consolation, Phoenix’s best players always look their best.

Brimstone’s placement on this tier list looks to be the result of some hasty decisions on our part. Episode 2’s first few minutes saw him soar, but his feet haven’t yet hit the ground.
Even so, he’s a far cry from the man he used to be. Aside from his lengthy Sky Smokes and a wider deployment radius, he’s the finest Agent to have on your side for a swift site strike. To top it all off, his Orbital Strike ultimate gives you complete dominance over regions like Bind’s U-Hall.
There’s now now a legitimate reason to consider the smoke agent you bring along with you. Brimstone may be a better choice on some maps, such as Bind. With the current meta being dominated by Omen, Astra, and Viper, Brimstone is generally forgotten.
And that’s pretty much all of it, as a Valorant player, you’ll benefit from learning about the game’s tiers. In addition, it will offer you a good sense of which agents to focus on and which ones to steer clear of. Improve your game by taking use of the knowledge you’ve gained here!
If you like this Guide, check out our other Valorant Articles.
Here’s an awesome video by SkillCapped Valorant Tips Tricks and Guides on Valorant Meta Guide – The Best Agents for EVERY RANK: