Omega Force has now released the Wild Hearts first free content update and finally adds a new Kemono variant, the Hellfire Laharaback.
The new Kemono variant is the Hellfire Laharaback, an extremely powerful monster and another version of the Lavaback. It comes as a part of a new quest challenging players to stop this monster from spewing fire on the island.
By defeating the Hellfire Laharaback, players will be rewarded with the Fire Fiend Appeaser title and get the new Infernal Blow skill.
The update brings a lot of fixes too like adjusting the behavior of the hits with Leaping Strike of the karakuri staff. It also brings a lot of improvements like adjusted the controls of attacks using the Celestial Anchor karakuri and more.
Check out the full patch notes below:
Improvements, Balance Adjustments
- When playing online as a guest, the goal icon in the upper left corner will now be yellow if your story progression rate matches that of the host.
- Players now can look at their full list of skills for all parts during armor creation, weapon creation, and armor modification.
- Adjusted the controls of attacks using the Celestial Anchor karakuri.
- Added a confirmation window at the start of online co-op that asks whether the player wants to join the session or not if the host is further along in the story than the guest.
- Players will now be sent to the Hunter’s Tent used last within the hunting area after selecting “Return to camp” at the end of the hunt.
- When the skill Chain Trap: Extension was unlocked, the duration of the capture from the Chain Trap was longer than intended, and has been adjusted to be as intended.
- Fixed an issue that made it impossible to dodge immediately after the Full-Body Slam or Full-Body Cleave when using the karakuri staff.
- Fixed an issue in which an action using the karakuri staff Juggernaut Blade would not be interrupted even if a karakuri was created during the attack.
- Fixed an issue in which the Full-Force Blow and Spirited Ward skills would not be activated when using the Full-Body Air Cleave action of the karakuri staff.
- Fixed an issue where certain attack actions performed with the karakuri staff would have unintended invincibility frames.
- Fixed an issue where the dodge invincibility frames when using the karakuri staff were longer than intended.
- Fixed an issue in which the mutation level of the karakuri staff could be accumulated above the maximum indicated.
- Enhanced the power of Wingblade Crescent Slash of the claw blade.
- Enhanced the power of the enhanced Wingblade Spin Slash of the claw blade.
- Enhanced the power of Fortified Shot of the hand cannon.
- Enhanced the power of the spindance when the bladed wagasa’s spindance gauge is not at its maximum.
- Made it easier to adjust the angle when an attack is derived from a successful parry with a bladed wagasa.
- Made it easier to land an attack following a successful aerial parry with a wagasa.
- Enhanced the power of the Extended: Jumping Smash and Fully Extended: Jumping Pummel of the maul.
- Enhanced the power of the Extended: Power Smash and Fully Extended: Power Smash of the maul.
- Enhanced the power of the Flame Smash of the maul.
- Fixed an issue that shortened the dodge invincibility frames when using the maul.
- Enhanced the resonant power attacks of the Full Draw: Otoya and Piercing: Otoya of the Bow.
- Fixed an issue that caused the area of resonance to be excessively wide when the bow’s otoya arrows hit a kemono.
- Fixed an issue that caused the bow’s otoya arrows to resonate even when they hit the surrounding terrain.
- Fixed an issue that caused the bow’s haya arrows to exceed the maximum number of arrows that could pierce a kemono.
- Fixed an issue in which the bow’s Arc Shot: Haya would stick in kemono even when shot from out of range.
- Reduced the power of resonance caused by the bow’s Resonant: Otoya.
- Enhanced the power of the Iai attack performed at valor gauge level one with the nodachi.
- Reduced the amount of decrease in stamina when maintaining the Full Moon Iai Stance of the nodachi.
- Increased the amount of the valor gauge build-up when performing On-the-Move Attack, Celestial Stab, and Double Spin Slash while in the Iai stance with the nodachi.
- Fixed an issue where the valor gauge would disappear if a karakuri was made while in the Iai stance with the nodachi.
- Adjusted the timing and length of the invincibility frames of the nodachi’s On-the-Move Attack.
- Fixed an issue where the nodachi’s valor gauge would not reset while using the Celestial Anchor basic karakuri.
- Extended the range of the karakuri katana’s Iai Sunder Slash.
- Added a transition from the karakuri katana’s Iai Sunder Slash to Single-Handed Lunge.
- Enhanced the power and extended the range of the karakuri katana’s Iai Slash Burst.
- Adjusted the usable range of the torch karakuri.
- Access to the Celestial Tsukumo Camp will now be disabled when the amount of karakuri thread possessed exceeds the limit.
- Enhanced the power of the basic karakuri ejection of the Launcher dragon karakuri.
- Shortened the time it takes for the glider basic karakuri to become available after jumping from a roller.
- Added distance-based adjustments to the damage dealt when a kemono is hit with a flying vine.
- Adjustments have been made to make Amaterasu more susceptible to knockdown.
- Adjusted the head of the spineglider kemono to make it easier to hit.
- Added the indication of the poison effect to the Mortality Water skill.
- Increased the number of inherited skills for the following weapons:
- Crystal Bow
- Demon Grass Bow
- Crystal Whirlwind
- Demon Grass Bladed Wagasa
- Nacreous Icicle Maul
- Ice Crystal Force
- Crystal Crusher
- Demon Grass Maul
- Crystal Twister
- Demon Grass Karakuri Staff
- Nacreous Icicle Cannon
- Crystal Cannon
- Demon Grass Cannon
- Crystal Ripper
- Demon Grass Claw
- Adjusted so that the training kemono can no longer be activated when fighting Amaterasu in Minato.
- Players now cannot select to retreat from the hunt when there is one or more players assisting during online co-op.
- Players can no longer open the menu when they are near death.
- The content of the tutorials for claw blade, maul, bow, and nodachi has been partially revised. You can check this from the Tutorials tab in the menu.
- Fixed an issue in the Derelict Castle Keep in the Fuyufusagi Fort that allowed players to safely attack kemono from specific locations.
- Adjusted the behavior of the hits with Leaping Strike of the karakuri staff.
- Fixed an issue in which the gauge would not decrease if the karakuri staff’s karakuri attack War Pike Flash was followed by a Full-Body Slam with Juggernaut Blade before the landing on the ground.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to interrupt an attack and jump repeatedly when using the twin fang form of the karakuri staff.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to place multiple karakuri in the same spot while performing the Leaping Strike with the karakuri staff.
- Fixed an issue during the karakuri staff training with the training bear, where the tutorial could be progressed without fulfilling the conditions.
- Fixed an issue that caused unexpected behavior when leaping immediately after performing a dodge with the claw blade drawn.
- Fixed an issue that did not link to the jumping backward action when the Claw Plunge hit the target while using the claw blade.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the number of the combo attacks of the claw blade to be reduced.
- Fixed an issue that caused the effect of the Wingblade Spin Slash to remain.
- Fixed an issue that caused a large processing load when using the claw blade.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to fire using the hand cannon without using the edge of the ki base when using the charged up celestial thread.
- Fixed an issue that prevented karakuri placement for a few seconds after firing a diffuse shot with a hand cannon.
- Fixed an issue in which the display of the spindance gauge of the bladed wagasa did not match the timing of the performance enhancement.
- Fixed an issue in which the bladed wagasa’s parry could be performed while transitioning from some select actions even when the stamina was not sufficient.
- Fixed an issue in which the Trey Star bladed wagasa combo could be connected even with a long press of the button.
- Fixed an issue that caused a shortened extension reception time when transitioning from Sliding Dodge to Jumping Smash with the maul.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the maul extension following Flame Smash.
- Fixed an issue in which multiple arrows were displayed when shooting the Resonant: Otoya.
- Fixed an issue in which damage from bow resonance was not counted as damage when using the training bear karakuri.
- Fixed an issue that could easily cause a stun or ailment even when players attack using a bow or the hand cannon outside the hunting distance.
- Fixed an issue that caused an attack to fail during a turn while using the celestial anchor karakuri with a bow.
- [For PC] Fixed an issue in which arrows sometimes did not stick in the correct positions when FPS limit was set to 30 in the settings.
- [For PS5/Xbox] Fixed an issue in which arrows sometimes did not stick in the correct positions when Graphical Priority was set to Prioritize performance in the settings.
- Fixed an issue that caused the effect to be larger than expected when the bow was used with the torch karakuri.
- Fixed an issue in which the valor gauge did not increase when performing Celestial Stab and then Downward Slash while building up the valor gauge with a nodachi.
- Fixed an issue that caused the valor gauge to be consumed if an Iai attack was launched following the Celestial Stab attack with a nodachi.
- Fixed an issue where the nodachi’s Iai: High Dive sometimes failed to hit.
- Improved behavior when using celestial anchor while in the Iai stance with a nodachi.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented leaping from a standby position with a nodachi.
- Fixed an issue in which the color reflected sometimes differed from the color actually selected during character creation.
- Fixed an issue in which the cursor movement speed would slow down on the map when the Graphical Priority was set to Prioritize Resolution on PlayStation 5.
- Fixed an issue that caused the overlapping of the text with certain resolutions when the Chat Log Text Size was set to maximum.
- Fixed an issue that caused some stamps to overflow when Chat Log Text Size was set to Large under settings.
- Fixed an issue in which the hunting rewards listed in the cyclopaedia for emberplume and Celestial Dragon were different from those actually looted.
- Fixed an issue in which players could not properly join online co-op when the host of the session started requesting assistance while players were joining the session at the same time from the Campfire.
- Fixed an issue that caused the screen to go blank when the HDR contrast setting was minimized.
- Fixed an issue related to the unresponsive mouse click operation on the Main Map, Cyclopedia, Profile, Friend List and Tutorials.
- Fixed an issue to correctly display the action guide for all weapon types.
- Fixed an issue in which players could use the celestial anchor more than expected if the crate karakuri was placed on top of the celestial anchor.
- Fixed an issue in which the phase where players fight on the back of the earthbreaker sometimes was not triggered during the earthbreaker hunt.
- Fixed an issue in which stamina was restored while climbing a kemono close to the ground.
- Fixed an issue in which healing water was not added correctly after a guest successfully activated the Hunter’s Arm during online co-op.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the acquisition of kemono orbs when successfully executing the hunter’s arm on dreadclaw.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the tails of the spineglider and venomglider to swell up and not return to their original shape.
- Fixed an issue where, with certain weapon types, leaping after an attack sometimes caused the attack to fail.
- Fixed an issue in which certain actions could not be transitioned into evasion when using karakuri katana and karakuri staff.
- Fixed an issue that caused the karakuri flash to be aborted under certain circumstances.
- Fixed an issue that caused certain kemono to rotate unnaturally during online co-op.
- Fixed an issue that caused the kemono to move unnaturally during online co-op under specific conditions.
- Fixed an issue that could cause death when sliding in certain places.
- Fixed an issue where the weapons were not displayed when the Sigh emote was performed.
- Fixed an issue related to motion skipping when changing direction while clinging to a cliff.
- Fixed an issue where emberplume sometimes would not get staggered with when the Celestial Shield is unlocked.
- Fixed an issue that caused the character to duck down when their head hit the ceiling.
- Fixed an issue in which the effect of the Stake: Invincibility skill was not applied correctly.
- Fixed an issue in which the Deaf Ears skill did not activate on dreadclaw and ripclaw.
- Fixed an issue in which stamina was not restored during a critical when the skill Follow-Through was activated.
- Fixed an issue in which the One Stroke: Critical and One Stroke: Fury skills could not be activated by guests during online co-op.
- Fixed an issue in which the Reutilization skill did not function correctly for guests during online co-op.
- Fixed an issue in which the effect of the Strong Arm: Thread skill was also applied when using the Celestial Tsukumo Camp dragon karakuri.
- Fixed an issue in which the effect of the Reutilization skill was applied to destruction of other objects besides basic karakuri.
- Fixed an issue that allowed damage even when the Instinct Parry skill was activated.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the Threadphile skill from being activated by guests during online co-op.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the Fusion Reaper and Fusion Stalwart skills from being activated by guests during online co-op.
- Fixed an issue where basic karakuri could be constructed and then immediately break if players tried placing more karakuri after reaching the maximum number of placed karakuri.
- Fixed an issue where the dragon pit cost was not refunded when some dragon karakuri were destroyed by kemono or other karakuri.
- Fixed an issue that caused flying vine to reset when starting a new quest from the main map as the host during online co-op.
- Fixed an issue with chain trap and harpoon restraint restrictions not operating correctly.
- Fixed an issue with the harpoon fusion karakuri piercing through the terrain.
- Fixed an issue that caused the harpoon karakuri to look like it pierced through the kemono after a successful hit.
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from successfully placing basic karakuri during online co-op.
- [For PC] Fixed an issue where the force of the stake karakuri flying toward the kemono was lower than expected when the FPS limit was set to 30 in the settings.
- [For PS5/Xbox] Fixed an issue in which the force of the stake karakuri flying toward the kemono was lower than expected when the Graphical Priority was set to Prioritize Performance in the settings.
- Fixed an issue in which the stake karakuri sometimes did not pierce the kemono correctly.
- Fixed an issue in which the stake karakuri did not fly in the direction it has been accessed in.
- Fixed an issue that caused the stake karakuri to remain midair rather than falling to the ground when conjured midair.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the Full-Body attack of the maul from hitting the stake karakuri when it was stuck in a destructible object.
- Fixed an issue where a player who had acquired the Pile Driver: Extension activated pile driver fusion karakuri during online co-op and the skill’s effect would not be activated if one of the other players did not have the skill unlocked.
- Fixed the behavior of the firework karakuri when used during online co-op.
- Fixed an issue in which under certain conditions the dragon pit costs were not reflected correctly during online co-op.
- Fixed an issue that prevented descent on the Wind Vortex dragon karakuri if the button mapping for Jump was changed.
- Fixed an issue that caused an unusual amount of movement when using the glider karakuri with a weapon drawn.
- Fixed an issue that would sometimes ignore the dragon pit cost and allow the conjuring of karakuri.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash if a large number of Tsukumo Lantern dragon karakuri were placed.
- Fixed an issue where some of the onyxshard’s attacks were going through the Shield Wall karakuri.
- Fixed an issue in which effects of the Healing Vaporizer fusion karakuri did not appear during online co-op.
- Fixed the behavior of the pounder karakuri when used during online co-op.
- Fixed an issue in which karakuri could not be placed in the poison area caused by fumebeak’s attacks.
- Fixed an issue in which the weapon gauge could be filled to the maximum by using the training bear karakuri.
- Fixed an issue in which the camera direction and sight position would be misaligned when using the flying vine magnifying camera on water.
- Fixed an issue that caused the landing sites of the flying vines to be placed in unintended positions when repeatedly moving in and out of the stages.
- Fixed an issue in which fumebeak sometimes failed to move to another battle area under certain circumstances.
- Improved an issue that sometimes caused the movement of kemono to be out of sync between players during online co-op.
- Fixed an issue in which giant kemono would sometimes get stuck after failing to destroy a karakuri in certain situations.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused online co-op to be disbanded after completing a request.
- Fixed an issue in online co-op that sometimes allowed guests to initiate hunts in which they were not originally allowed to participate in.
- Fixed an issue which would de-sync the story progression during online co-op under a specific condition.
- Fixed an issue that causes the story progression to rewind upon a reboot under certain circumstances.
- Fixed an issue during online co-op where exiting a session just before death could change one’s story progression.
- Fixed an issue in which, after completing the Hunting Encore quests for Earthbreaker and Amaterasu, the story would not be progressed when a guest joined the session, regardless of the progression rate of the host and the guest.
- Fixed an issue that caused characters to behave incorrectly when a guest player viewed talk events during online co-op.
- Fixed an issue in which under certain conditions characters would disappear during a talk event during online co-op.
- Fixed an issue in which characters were sometimes not displayed in certain cutscenes.
- Fixed an issue in which a guest would sometimes be kicked out from online co-op after The Festival of Returns cutscene is triggered in Chapter 1.
- Fixed an issue where the Bewitched by Bathing trophy was not awarded even when the conditions were fulfilled. Selecting “I want to take a bath” again will allow this to be recalculated.
- A workaround has been put in place to fix the issue in which the Superlative View trophy was sometimes not awarded even when the conditions were fulfilled. Players can now re-enter Minato to receive this trophy.
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from receiving rewards after successfully hunting certain giant kemono.
- Fixed an issue where the Tsukumo Whisperer trophy could not be obtained even if all of the tsukumo were found. The trophy can now be received by selecting Enhance tsukumo or opening the main map.
- Fixed an issue where the host’s game would freeze and guest players would experience an infinite load when online co-op was disbanded at a specific timing.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented progression if the players talked to an NPC at a specific timing during online co-op.
- [PC only] Fixed an issue where the game would crash when closed.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash after long play periods.
- Fixed the following issues that affected the guests’ environment after the disbandment of a progression-synced online co-op after unblocking the Dragon Altar dragon pit on the Natsukodachi Isle
- The Dragon Altar dragon pit will not be displayed on the map until the player interacts with it.
- Cannot unblock or enlarge other dragon pits until they interact with the Dragon Altar.
- Karakuri that can contain food, such as Ingredients Chest and Drying Rack, placed in Minato will be hidden to ensure that they are not destroyed during the battle with Amaterasu.
- Fixed an issue in which some tsukumo could not be collected when the area is encroached by another season.
- Fixed an issue in which the kemono would not attack the player when Enhance tsukumo was being performed at the campfire.
- Fixed an issue in which icetusk would not appear during the Fuyufusagi Fort event in Chapter 3.
- Fixed an issue in which materials were sometimes not awarded after hunting some of the small kemono.
- Fixed an issue that caused other players’ hairstyles to be displayed incorrectly when head equipment was set to hidden during online co-op.
- Fixed an issue during online co-op where if a player died when finishing a kemono, the amount of kemono orbs looted would be incorrect.
- Fixed an issue that caused de-sync of weather during online co-op.
- Fixed an issue in which the destructible wall was sometimes restored in the Akikure Canyon.
- Fixed an issue that caused the drawing of hand cannon and bow while selecting Confirm with the mouse on the chat wheel.
- Fixed an issue in which the Guild of Fishermen job “The Way of the Hunter: A Thousand Victories” was not counted as completed even after successfully hunting the target kemono.
- Fixed an issue that could cause small kemono to suddenly disappear.
- Adjusted the stage collision.
- Fixed an issue in which the accessories of the visiting hunters were not displayed correctly.
- Fixed an issue that reduced the number of life thread after drowning in certain areas.
- Fixed a clipping issue with beards piercing the armor during character creation.
- Fixed an issue where the karakuri gauntlet would not be displayed properly when changing the presets.
- Adjusted so that the Training Bear would stop moving when a giant kemono hunt begins.
- Fixed an issue that caused Amaterasu to behave strangely when fighting Amaterasu in Minato.
- Fixed and improved miscellaneous issues.

Wild Hearts is out now on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.