Oxenfree 2: Lost Signals follows the story of Riley Poverly as she stumbles upon a strange phenomenon that has been creeping over her hometown. As Riley and Jacob set up the transmitter in its place, strange occurrences started happening, and some mysterious triangle appeared over the neighboring island.
Read ahead as we go through the events of 9 PM – Placing the Transmitter of Oxenfree 2: Lost Signals and share some tips on how to complete the chapters and find the collectibles.
See previous: Oxenfree 2: Lost Signals 8 PM – Reaching Camber Cape Guide
To adjust the transmitter, pay attention to the small grid screen and then use the arrow keys or D-pad to move the crosshair to the right location. You can tell if you are getting to the right position by looking at the transmitter’s light or listening to its pings; the lights and pings will go faster the closer you get to the target. You are locked in once you get to the right position and once the transmitter’s light turns blue.
Riley jumps once again, but this time she’s back at the bus station at the time when Evelyn was trying to call her for the first time. You will get slightly different dialogue options this time; some of them refer to the strange phenomena or loops that just happened. Despite using these dialogues, Riley won’t be able to convince Evelyn of what happened. If you try to go to places you’re not supposed to, you will jump back to the bus station.
The events have also slightly changed. This time, Riley has the transmitters with her, but her camping gear is still inside the General Store. As you make it back up to the store, the window breaks, and you see the same marked person that tried to confront you earlier. You try to talk to her, but she just tells you to not listen to “them” and don’t do anything that “they” ask you to do before running away.
Head back up to the General store, which would still be burning at this point. Now, you will see strange machines nearby that were not there in the previous iterations. Interacting with them will open a screen that has different figures. You will need to move the dials using the arrow keys to make the images line up in one figure.
For the machine towards the right, you simply have to merge the other two figures into the figure in the center.
For the machine towards the left, you will first have to adjust the dials to make the image clearer, and then you will have to rotate the image so that the figure lines up with the red outline.
After lining up both images, the machines will disappear, and Riley will seem to be out of the loop but still back in the moment before she met Jacob. Make your way back to the Camber Cape trail and head towards the point where Jacob’s car is.
See next: Oxenfree 2: Lost Signals 10 PM – Back to the Transmitter Guide