Batman – The Telltale Series summer release confirmed!

That’s right folks, Batman – The Telltale Series has been confirmed for release. While the announcement on Telltale Games’ Batman – the Telltale series was a long time ago, details about the certain project was pretty sparse. In March we got another look at the game, but still no concrete release window. Now, thanks to Telltale’s Head of Creative Communications, Job Stauffer we can say for certain that Batman – The Telltale Series will see a summer release. He also tweeted the release of The Walking Dead Season 3 which is coming this fall.


This tweet gave us the official title to the upcoming Batman game and also fully confirmed a summer release window. With this, we are excited on what Telltale Games has to offer in its own spin on one of the most well known comic book heroes of all time, Batman, and we will  it all this coming E3.