Dead Space Remake: How to increase the inventory space

How to increase inventory storage in Dead Space Remake?

Dead Space Remake Full Inventory

You need to increase the inventory space to have more room to store items in the Dead Space Remake. Although scrounging up resources is an important aspect in survival horror, Isaac doesn’t have enough room in his inventory to carry all of them. Here’s a guide for how to increase the inventory space of Isaac in the Dead Space Remake.

How to increase the inventory space in Dead Space Remake?

You can increase the inventory space by buying upgrades for Isaac’s suit in Stores in the Dead Space Remake. These upgrades will not only increase inventory but will also provide more armor. However they will cost credits per upgrade.

The first Store you’ll find in the Dead Space Remake is near the end of Chapter 1 just before you head down to the Medical Deck. You can purchase the Level 2 suit upgrade for $10,000 Credits which increases the inventory space to 18 slots and provides 5% more armor.

Isaac originally starts with only 12 slots at the beginning of the game. But as he continues to upgrade it, he will gain more inventory space in Dead Space Remake. Here are all the Dead Space suit upgrades and how much they cost:

Level 2 Suit

  • Upgrade Suit Location: Any Store
  • Costs: 10,000 credits
  • Inventory: 18 slots
  • Armor: 5%

Level 3 Suit

  • Upgrade Suit Location: EVA Prep Room in Chapter 3
  • Costs: 20,000 credits
  • Inventory: 22 slots
  • Armor: 10%

Level 4 Suit

  • Upgrade Suit Location: Equipment Workshop in Chapter 7
  • Costs: credits
  • Inventory: 26 slots
  • Armor: 15%

Level 5 Suit

  • Upgrade Suit Location: Locker Room in the Crew Quarters in Chapter 10
  • Costs: 60,000 credits
  • Inventory: 30 slots
  • Armor: 20%

Level 6 Suit

  • Upgrade Suit Location: Can be purchased from any Store in New Game Plus
  • Costs: 99,000 credits
  • Inventory: 30 slots
  • Armor: 30%
increase the inventory space in Dead Space Remake

You will not be able to get all 30 inventory slots on your first playthrough. The last Level 6 suit upgrade can only be achieved in the New Game Plus mode.

Once your inventory is full, you will not be able to take in any more items. Thankfully, this doesn’t extend to key items like the Data Board in Chapter 1 so you won’t need to make room for those. You can drop items or sell them at the Store if you’re no longer able to hold any more.

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