The Destiny 2 Solstice 2022 Event Card is something we haven’t seen before in past Solstice events. It’s a refreshing change of pace to an otherwise monotonous yearly event. And the best part of it, Bungie didn’t even need to do any of this so close to the ending of this chapter of Destiny’s story.
This guide will tell you everything you need to know about the Destiny 2 Solstice 2022 Event Card Challenges List, how to get started, and what your rewards are for taking part in the event.

The Event Card is free for all players to pick up. All you need to do to get it is to go back to the Tower’s central area and talk to Eva Levante. She’ll also be giving you a full of set of event armor in the stylings of your class. This marks the start of the Celebrating Solstice quest.
How to Start the Event Card Tracker in Destiny 2 Solstice 2022
For this next step, you’ll need to equip all 5 pieces of the armor, talk to Eva Levante again, and you’ll receive a set of Silver Leaves as a reward.
You’ll then want to enter the EAZ and complete the Bonfire Bash activity. This will get you an additional 20 Silver Ash. Use this guide to learn about what goes on in a Bonfire Bash activity.
Talk to Eva Levante again to learn about how Kindling works! And that’s when you get your list of challenges, one by one.

To access the event, open the map menu and hover over the BONFIRE BASH activity to start an event.
Destiny 2 Solstice 2022 Event Card Challenges List
- A Spark in the Dark – Complete Sever missions or rounds of Altars of Sorrow to earn Silver Leaves.
- All Around the Bonfire – Complete the Bonfire Bash activity against all combatant races twice.
- Ash Tray – Collect 500 Silver Ash.
- Bashing Success – Complete the Bonfire Bash activity for the first time.
- Brightfall – Complete Vanguard Ops or Nightfalls to earn Silver Leaves.
- Burn Them Down – Defeat 60 bosses anywhere in the system.
- Dare to Dream – Complete runs of the Blind Well or Dares of Eternity to earn Silver Leaves.
- Fire of Competition – Complete 25 Crucible or Gambit matches to earn Silver Leaves.
- Fire Power – Defeat combatants or opposing Guardians with Power weapons.
- Forged in Flame – Defeat 100 opposing Guardians in any activity.
- Fuel for the Fire – Stoke 50 flames in the Bonfire Bash activity.
- Fuel for the Fire II – Stoke 100 flames in the Bonfire Bash activity.
- Fuel for the Fire III – Stoke 150 flames in the Bonfire Bash activity.
- Good Ignite – Defeat 20 Ignition Carriers in the Bonfire Bash activity.
- Hand Lighter – Defeat targets with Hand Cannons.
- In the Hot Seat – Complete activities with Savathuns Throne World to earn Silver Leaves.
- Lamplighter – Complete 10 patrols on any destination to earn Silver Leaves.
- Like Wildfire – Defeat targets anywhere in the system. Defeating Guardians awards bonus progress.
- Pyromania – Defeat combatants with Solar abilities.
- Ranking the Coals – Complete playlist activities to earn Silver Leaves.
- Shotgun Solstice – Defeat targets with Shotguns.
- Solstice Jubilee – Complete public events on any destination to earn Silver Leaves.
- Superlative – Defeat targets with Super abilities.
- Torch the Taken – Defeat 20 Taken in the Bonfire Bash activity.

How to upgrade the Event Card
If you want to upgrade your Event Card, you’ll need to spend 1,000 Silver to unlock an Instant Reward Bundle and the ability to spend Event Tickets for more rewards. It is worth noting that you can get multiple Instant Reward Bundles per purchase. Also, there is the possibility that these Upgraded Event Card rewards could be added to the Eververse store. Hey, it’s something.

Upgraded Event Card Rewards
Solstice Event Bundle – You instantly earn this bundle once the Event Card has been upgraded.
Stakeboarding – Emote – Don’t ask if I can do an ollie. (10 tickets)
Platinum Osprey – Ship – Cuts through water and vacuum with eh same panache. (8 tickets)
Peach Spotlight Effects – Transmat Effect – Modifications for your ship’s transmat systems, so you’ll always arrive in style. Adds a peach spotlight to your transmat effects (4 tickets)
Bitten Cookie Projection – Ghost Projection – Equip this item to change your Ghost’s projection. (2 tickets)
Completing the Solstice Event Card will net you no less than 24 Kindling, 24 Event Tickets, and other cosmetics that you can apply to yourself, your ship, and your Ghost. It’s also good to note that completing the Event Card is what you’ll need to do in order to unlock the Flamekeeper seal and title. To learn more about the Flamekeeper Title, check our guide on how to get it.
Should You Buy The Upgraded Destiny 2 Solstice Event Card?
The Upgraded Destiny 2 Solstice Event Card can be purchased for 1,000 Silver, or roughly $10. Assuming you have completed all the challenges on the event card, spending 1,000 Silver will get you two emotes, a ship, a ghost shell, a shader, a transmat effect, and a Ghost projection. These are all exclusive to the Solstice celebration, and you won’t be able to buy them separately until next year.
Whether or not the upgraded Destiny 2 Solstice Event Card is worthwhile depends on how much you value the cosmetic enhancements it grants. Due to the fact that the premium card won’t grant you any sort of advantage on Solstice, you’ll have to decide whether or not you care about the new summer-themed cosmetic gear.
After completing a task on your event card, you’ll be rewarded with something called “event tickets.” These tickets are useless if you only have access to the free version of the card, but with the premium version, you may exchange them for a number of other rewards. Among these are a speedboat-shaped ship and a skating emoji.
You can get a new shader called Iris Gossamer, an emote that makes you the winner of a hot dog eating contest, and a Ghost shell that gives your robot friend a lovely cap with your first purchase of the upgraded event card.
The Solstice of Heroes 2022 event runs from July 19th to August 9th.
Check out this video from Youtuber Datto in which he describes ways to fast farm Silver Leaves, High Stat Armor & More.