Destiny 2: Trials of Osiris, June 11 – June 15

The Trials of Osiris event is back in Destiny 2 this weekend. Saint-14 is the Trials vendor and announcer this time around. All players can find him in the Tower Hangar every Friday at reset. The game mode is a 3 v 3 match in which players are rewarded at 3, 5, and 7 wins. Completing them flawlessly will reward you Adept Loot, and it rotates every week. But you have to rest your card after every 3 losses and if one is going to go for the adept loot then play carefully and try not to lose.

This weeks Trials Map is the The Burnout.

This is the new weekend of Trials in the Season of the Splicer. The weapons this week:

  • 3 wins: Eye of Sol
  • 5 wins: The Messenger
  • 7 wins: Arms
  • Flawless: Igneous Hammer (Adept)

Eye of Sol is a returning weapon from the Trails loot pool at 3 wins along with the Messenger at the 5 wins.

Eye of Sol
The Messenger

Along with that the adept version 120 RPM Igneous Hammer will be available to be earn by going flawless.

For the players who are gonna grind out Trails this weekend, best of luck grinding the new loot this weekend.