Does Texas Chainsaw Massacre Have Single-Player?

Texas Chainsaw Massacre game single player cover

Texas Chainsaw Massacre has been exclusively advertised as a multiplayer game, but you might be wondering if there is a single-player mode. It isn’t strange for games marketed towards multiplayer to have some form of single-player content you can tackle, namely story mode. Use this guide to learn if the Texas Chainsaw Massacre has single-player features.

Is Texas Chainsaw Massacre Single-player?

No, Texas Chainsaw Massacre does not have any single-player content. The game is strictly multiplayer, in which crossplay applies. You can’t even begin a match unless you have a full lobby of players. So you can’t play the game on your own.

There are also no tutorial levels to take part of since most of the game’s tutorial use a static video to teach you how to play. So you can’t run a practice match on your own against bot enemies. Players have to take control of characters in the game.

This actually isn’t strange for this type of game to not have any single-player content as most asymmetrical multiplayer horror games are almost exclusively as such. However even in Dead by Daylight the tutorial level is single-player and there’s no such level in Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Can You Play Texas Chainsaw Massacre Offline?

It is not possible to play Texas Chainsaw Massacre offline. You’re required to have an internet connection to play with other players. There is no option to play locally or via LAN.

When playing Texas Chainsaw Massacre, you’re always required to be online. You can’t matchmake or access basic features of the game without a stable internet connection. Console players would also need either PS Plus or Xbox Live to be able to connect to the game’s servers.

Will the Texas Chainsaw Massacre Game Have a Story Mode?

No, Texas Chainsaw Massacre will not have a story mode. There are no statements from developers Sumo Digital that they are planning on including a story mode sometime in the future. The game is strictly multiplayer only.

The game does provide a background for why the victims are trapped in the family’s basement. A woman named Maria Flores vanished in the town of Newt a couple of days ago. Her young sister, Ana Flores, and her closest friends go to look for their lost loved one only to get capture by the family. Now they have to escape before they are caught by the family and suffer a worse fate.

Managing Editor