Genshin Impact Misty Dungeon – Realm of Light Rerun Event Guide

Misty Dungeon: Realm of Light once again makes a return in the 2.3 update as a Misty Dungeon rerun event. On this guide, we’ll teach you what the Misty Dungeon event is about, how to unlock the event, what you need to do to complete it, the rewards, and other details.

Genshin Impact Misty Dungeon: Realm of Light Event

The Misty Dungeon: Realm of Light event is pretty similar to the last Misty Dungeon event. You enter a foggy dungeon to complete a series of challenges using trial characters. You have to finish a total of 16 trials in order to claim the rewards.

Misty Dungeon: Realm of Light Release Date

Misty Dungeon: Realm of Light will release once 2.3 update goes live on November 24, 2021. This rerun event will use all new trial characters.

How to Unlock Misty Dungeon?

There are several requirements in order to participate in the Misty Dungeon. You must first be Adventurer Rank 20 or above before you can tackle it. You can then start the event via the event panel where the character banners are.

Misty Dungeon: Realm of Light Trial Characters

You can only use trial characters in the Misty Dungeon. Although this time around, you’ll be able to use new characters different from the previous. Each of the 16 trials of the Misty Dungeon will contain different characters for you to pick. You can look at what the trial conditions are and then choose your character appropriately.

Misty Dungeon: Realm of Light Guide

Much like before, the Misty Dungeon rerun event will hold 16 trials to complete. Each trial will have its own challenges and conditions to overcome. However, they all follow the same rules.

Activate Switches to Get the Final Challenge

Every single one of the 16 trials has a switch you need to trigger to proceed to unlock the Final Challenge. Doing so will give your party positive effects as well.

Defensive Mechanisms

During the Misty Dungeon event, you’ll have defensive mechanisms which will attempt to stop you from progressing by damaging you. You need to target their specific elemental reaction in order to disable them.

Genshin Impact Misty Dungeon - Realm of Light

Only Trial Characters Are Usable

There is no using the characters you’ve already acquired in your party. The Misty Dungeon will give you a set of characters to pick from. This will give you the opportunity to try out characters you haven’t acquired to see if they’re for you.

No Elemental Resonance

Any additional buffs received from using a different set of teams won’t be taking any effect in the Misty Dungeon. You’ll have to focus more on an individual character’s skin than their elemental buffs.

Food and Healing Items Aren’t Usable

This makes healing characters especially useful as you can’t just recover damage you’ve received. Make sure to pick one from the trial characters whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Misty Dungeon: Realm of Light Rewards

Misty Dungeon has generous rewards upon completion. They could be Mora, Character EXP items, and other ascension materials.

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