Every fan enjoys the Pokemon franchise in different ways. There are those who like the battles, those who like the adventure, and those who just like seeing the new Pokemon. Ever since Pokemon Gold, Silver, and Crystal days, most fans of Pokemon have been eagerly wanting to see what new Pokemon will be introduced in the upcoming game.
After two decades and with the internet basically being a part of our everyday lives, it’s now easier for us fans to see the new Pokemon and new forms that we can expect even way before the game’s launch. Pokemon Legends: Arceus wasn’t safe from leakers’ persistence as recently, a bunch of new Pokemon and new Hisuian forms have been leaked. Even the dex entries are up in the internet.
SPOILER WARNING: We understand that not all of our readers like the idea of leaks, so we want to give a spoiler warning. Beyond this point are pictures of the new Pokemon from Pokemon Legends: Arceus that have been seen so far and their PokeDex entries.
Hisuian Decidueye

Hisuian Decidueye has a Grass/Fighting typing. It looks like it’s wearing a straw hat instead of a hood and now has fall colors. Rowlet and Dartrix still retain their regular forms.
Hisuian Typhlosion

Hisuian Typhlosion has a Fire/Ghost typing. It now has a collar around its neck where wispy purple flames come out. Cyndaquil and Quilava still retain their regular forms.
Hisuian Samurott

Hisuian Samurott has a Water/Dark typing. It has black shells with red streaks protecting parts of its body. Oshawott and Dewott still retain their regular forms.
Hisuian Growlithe

Hisuian Growlithe has a Fire/Rock typing. It was one of the earlier Pokemon that was revealed to be in the game.
Hisuian Arcanine

Hisuian Arcanine has a Fire/Rock typing. Its fur has a darker tone and looks more like chiseled stone.
Hisuian Voltorb

Hisuian Voltorb has an Electric/Grass typing. It resembles the first Pokeball prototype that’s being used in the game.
Hisuian Electrode

Hisuian Electrode is an evolved form of Hisuian Voltorb and has an Electric/Grass typing. It looks similar to a regular electrode, except it has notches for its eyes and a woody apricorn top half part.

Kleavor is a split evolution of Scyther and has Bug/Rock typing. It is one of the earliest revealed Pokemon in the Hisui region.
Hisuian Qwilfish

Hisuian Qwilfish has a Dark/Poison typing. Its body structure is similar to its regular form, except for the dark color and poison-tipped spines.

Overqwil is an evolved form of Hisuian Qwilfish and has a Dark/Poison typing. It has more spines, some are larger than the others.
Hisuian Sneasel

Hisuian Sneasel has a Poison/Fighting typing. Its body is white with a patch of purple on the face, and its claws are tipped with poison. The leaked PokeDex suggests that there is a regular version of Sneasel also present in the game.

Sneasler is an evolved form of Hisuian Sneasel and has a Poison/Fighting typing. It has a bluish colored body with a longer left ear and longer claws. The leaked PokeDex suggests that Weavile is also present in the game.

Ursaluna is a split evolution of Teddiursa and has a Normal/Ground typing. It walks on all fours and has a yellow marking on its forehead resembling a full moon. The leaked PokeDex suggests that Teddiursa and Ursaring are present in the game.

Wyrdeer is an evolved form of Stantler and has a Normal/Psychic typing. It is one of the earlier Pokemon that was revealed in the Hisui region.
Hisuian Lilligant

Hisuian Lilligant is a split evolution of a Petilil and has a Grass/Fighting typing. It has a more slim figure compared to the regular Lilligant. The leaked PokeDex suggests that a regular version of Petilil is present in the game.
Basculin (White Stripe)

White-striped Basculin has a Water typing. Though found in Hisui, it does not get a Hisuian title, but rather is differentiated with the color of its stripe, similar to the previously released forms.
Basculegion is the evolved form of Basculin (White Stripe) and has a Water/Ghost typing. It undergoes sexual dimorphism where males evolve into a Basculegion with red accent color, and longer whiskers and additional scales that resemble a beard and a mustache, while the female form has a white accent color with rounder eyebrows.
Hisuian Zorua

Hisuian Zorua has a Normal/Ghost typing. It’s one of the earlier Pokemon that was revealed to be in the game.
Hisuian Zoroark

Hisuian Zoroark is an evolved form of Hisuian Zorua and has a Normal/Ghost typing. It’s also one of the earlier Pokemon that was revealed to be in the game.
Hisuian Braviary

Hisuian Braviary is an evolved form of Rufflet and has a Psychic/Flying typing. It’s one of the earlier Pokemon that was revealed to be in the game. The leaked PokeDex suggests that the regular Rufflet will be present in the game.
Hisuian Avalugg

Hisuian Avalugg is an evolved form of Bergmite and has an Ice/Rock typing. It has a more pronounced jaw and has less ice on its back compared to the regular Avalugg. The leaked PokeDex suggests that the regular Bergmite will be present in the game.
Hisuian Sliggoo

Hisuian Sliggoo is an evolved form of Goomy and has a Dragon/Steel typing. It has a more pronounced shell than the regular Sliggoo. The leaked PokeDex suggests that the regular Goomy will be present in the game.
Hisuian Goodra

Hisuian Goodra is the evolved form of Hisuian Sliggoo and has a Dragon/Steel typing. Instead of a tail, it carries a metallic shell on its back.
Enamorus (Incarnate)

Enamorous has a Fairy/Flying typing. It seems to be part of the Forces of Nature introduced back in Black and White and also has a Therian Forme.
Enamorus (Therian)

The Therian Forme of Enamorus, it also has a Fairy/Flying typing. It resembles the Black Tortoise or Genbu of Chinese mythology.
Dialga (Lord)

Dialga (Lord) has a Steel/Dragon typing. It seems to be the empowered version of Dialga taking a form closely resembling Arceus. The leaked PokeDex suggests that Dialga will be present in the game.
Palkia (Lord)

Palkia(Lord) has a Steel/Dragon typing. It seems to be the empowered version of Palkia taking a form closely resembling Arceus. The leaked PokeDex suggests that Palkia will be present in the game.
Other confirmed Pokemon that will be in Pokemon Legends: Arceus
The full PokeDex has also been leaked which reveals which Pokemon will be returning in the game. The PokeDex lists that there are 265 Pokemon in the Hisui area, with a possible #266 that has yet to be revealed.
1. Pikachu | 134. Bastiodon |
2. Raichu | 135. Burmy-Plant |
3. Clefairy | 136. Burmy-Sand |
4. Clefable | 137. Burmy-Trash |
5. Vulpix | 138. Wormadam-Plant |
6. Vulpix-Alolan | 139. Wormadam-Sand |
7. Ninetales | 140. Wormadam-Trash |
8. Ninetales-Alolan | 141. Mothim |
9. Zubat | 142. Combee |
10. Golbat | 143. Vespiquen |
11. Paras | 144. Pachirisu |
12. Parasect | 145. Buizel |
13. Psyduck | 146. Floatzel |
14. Golduck | 147. Cherubi |
15. Growlithe-Hisuian | 148. Cherrim-Overcast |
16. Arcanine-Hisuian | 149. Cherrim-Sunshine |
17. Abra | 150. Shellos-West |
18. Kadabra | 151. Shellos-East |
19. Alakazam | 152. Gastrodon-West |
20. Machop | 153. Gastrodon-East |
21. Machoke | 154. Ambipom |
22. Machamp | 155. Drifloon |
23. Tentacool | 156. Drifblim |
24. Tentacruel | 157. Buneary |
25. Geodude | 158. Lopunny |
26. Graveler | 159. Mismagius |
27. Golem | 160. Honchkrow |
28. Ponyta | 161. Glameow |
29. Rapidash | 162. Purugly |
30. Magnemite | 163. Chingling |
31. Magneton | 164. Stunky |
32. Gastly | 165. Skuntank |
33. Haunter | 166. Bronzor |
34. Gengar | 167. Bronzong |
35. Onix | 168. Bonsly |
36. Voltorb-Hisuian | 169. Mime Jr. |
37. Electrode-Hisuian | 170. Happiny |
38. Lickitung | 171. Chatot |
39. Rhyhorn | 172. Spiritomb |
40. Rhydon | 173. Gible |
41. Chansey | 174. Gabite |
42. Tangela | 175. Garchomp |
43. Mr. Mime | 176. Munchlax |
44. Scyther | 177. Riolu |
45. Electabuzz | 178. Lucario |
46. Magmar | 179. Hippopotas |
47. Magikarp | 180. Hippowdon |
48. Gyarados | 181. Skorupui |
49. Eevee | 182. Drapion |
50. Vaporeon | 183. Croagunk |
51. Jolteon | 184. Toxicroak |
52. Flareon | 185. Carnivine |
53. Porygon | 186. Finneon |
54. Snorlax | 187. Lumineon |
55. Cyndaquil | 188. Mantyke |
56. Quilava | 189. Snover |
57. Typhlosion-Hisuian | 190. Abomasnow |
58. Crobat | 191. Weavile |
59. Pichu | 192. Magnezone |
60. Cleffa | 193. Lickilicky |
61. Togepi | 194. Rhyperior |
62. Togetic | 195. Tangrowth |
63. Sudowoodo | 196. Electivire |
64. Aipom | 197. Magmortar |
65. Yanma | 198. Togekiss |
66. Espeon | 199. Yanmega |
67. Umbreon | 200. Leafeon |
68. Murkrow | 201. Glaceon |
69. Misdreavus | 202. Gliscor |
70. Unown | 203. Mamoswine |
71. Gligar | 204. Porygon-Z |
72. Steelix | 205. Gallade |
73. Qwilfish-Hisuian | 206. Probopass |
74. Scizor | 207. Duscknoir |
75. Heracross | 208. Froslass |
76. Sneasel | 209. Rotom |
77. Sneasel-Hisuian | 210. Rotom-Heat |
78. Teddiursa | 211. Rotom-Wash |
79. Ursaring | 212. Rotom-Frost |
80. Swinub | 213. Rotom-Fan |
81. Piloswine | 214. Rotom-Mow |
82. Remoraid | 215. Uxie |
83. Octillery | 216. Mesprit |
84. Mantine | 217. Azelf |
85. Porygon2 | 218. Dialga |
86. Stantler | 219. Dialga-Lord |
87. Elekid | 220. Palkia |
88. Magby | 221. Palkia-Lord |
89. Blissey | 222. Heatran |
90. Wurmple | 223. Regigigas |
91. Silcoon | 224. Giratina |
92. Beautifly | 225. Giratina-Origin |
93. Cascoon | 226. Cresselia |
94. Dustox | 227. Phione |
95. Ralts | 228. Manaphy |
96. Kirlia | 229. Darkrai |
97. Gardevoir | 230. Shaymin |
98. Nosepass | 231. Shaymin-Sky |
99. Roselia | 232. Arceus |
100. Barboach | 233. Oshawott |
101. Whiscash | 234. Dewott |
102. Duskull | 235. Samurott-Hisuian |
103. Dusclops | 236. Petilil |
104. Chimecho | 237. Lilligant-Hisuian |
105. Snorunt | 238. Basculin-White |
106. Glalie | 239. Zorua-Hisuian |
107. Spheal | 240. Zoroark-Hisuian |
108. Sealeo | 241. Rufflet |
109. Walrein | 242. Braviary-Hisuian |
110. Turtwig | 243. Tornadus-Incarnate |
111. Grotle | 244. Tornadus-Therian |
112. Torterra | 245. Thundurus-Incarnate |
113. Chimchar | 246. Thundurus-Therian |
114. Monferno | 247. Landorus-Incarnate |
115. Infernape | 248. Landorus-Therian |
116. Piplup | 249. Sylveon |
117. Prinplup | 250. Goomy |
118. Empoleon | 251. Sliggoo-Hisuian |
119. Starly | 252. Goodra-Hisuian |
120. Staravia | 253. Bergmite |
121. Staraptor | 254. Avalugg-Hisuian |
122. Bidoof | 255. Rowlet |
123. Bibarel | 256. Dartrix |
124. Kricketot | 257. Decidueye-Hisuian |
125. Kricketune | 258. Wyrdeer |
126. Shinx | 259. Kleavor |
127. Luxio | 260. Ursaluna |
128. Luxray | 261. Basculegion |
129. Budew | 262. Sneasler |
130. Roserade | 263. Overqwill |
131. Cranidos | 264. Enamorus-Incarnate |
132. Rampardos | 265. Enamorus-Therian |
133. Shieldon |
These have been all the Pokemon leaked for the Hisui region so far. We’re about a week away from the release of Pokemon Legends: Arceus and we’re excited to finally meet these Pokemon in the game.
Look out for more of our Pokemon Legends: Arceus articles and guides that will be coming out very soon!
If you like this guide, check out our other Pokémon Legends: Arceus articles:
- Hisui Pokedex Leaked and Confirmed Pokemon | Pokemon Legends: Arceus
- All Rideable Pokemon | Pokemon Legends: Arceus
- Complete List of Moves – Pokémon Legends: Arceus
- Pokémon Legends: Arceus Regional Variants and Every New Pokémon
- All Available Clothing and Wearables | Pokemon Legends: Arceus
- Pokemon Legends Arceus Goods Announced at the Pokemon Center
- Hisui Pokedex Leaked and Confirmed Pokemon | Pokemon Legends: Arceus
- How to Find All the Wisps | Pokemon Legends: Arceus
- Pokemon Legends Arceus ‘A World of Adventure Awaits in Hisui’ Trailer Previews Combat and Crafting
- Pokemon Legends Arceus Overview Trailer Revealed
- Pokemon Legends Arceus Reveal New Bonuses
- New Pokemon Legends Arceus Characters Revealed
While we wait for the game, check out this short animation from the Official Pokemon YouTube channel featuring everyone’s favorite Bidoof: