The Heir Apparent Exotic Machine Gun makes a comeback in Destiny 2 Guardian Games 2022. Season 10 of Destiny 2, titled Season of the Worthy, featured the debut of Guardian Games. This is when Heir Apparent was first added to the game.
The combination of its high damage output and excellent defensive bonus makes this a must-have heavy weapon, especially when used in conjunction with the catalyst. Fortunately, obtaining this is a breeze.
A Variety of cosmetics and three brand-new sponsored armor sets are expected to be available at this year’s Guardian Games, which promises to be an exciting one. Without further ado, Here’s everything you need to know to get the exotic machine gun.

How to Get the Heir Apparent Exotic Machine Gun
Heir Apparent is a reward from the Exotic quest titled “Top of Class” and may be retrievable from Eva Levante on May 3rd, 2022, when the Guardian Games Event begins.
Compared to last year, obtaining Heir Apparent in 2022 is a breeze if you simply follow these steps:
Step 1: “Wreathed in Laurels” Quest
In order to complete this quest, you must gather 50 laurels during the 2022 Guardian Games.
Laurel collection is handled differently each year by Bungie. Laurels are awarded for accomplishing playlist activities, bounties, and triumphs linked with the guardian games, so you can anticipate to get them. In addition, you don’t have to gather all of them in one character, as this will be account-wide.
Step 2: “Machine-Gun Focused” Quest
Once you’ve earned these 50 laurels, you’ll be required to defeat 100 enemies with machine guns in the daily focus playlist, which rotates each day during guardian games. You will be rewarded with extra credit for defeating guardians.
Machine guns of all types can be used to accomplish this quest. Upon completion, return to the tower and talk to Eva Levante.
After that, you will receive your brand-new Exotic machine gun, The Heir Apparent, which is a Cabal-themed machine gun that, when fired, forms an Arc shield surrounding its wielder.

How to Get the Heir Apparent Exotic Catalyst
Historically, the Heir Apparent Exotic Catalyst drops at random after medallions have been turned in at the podium at the tower. In all likelihood, this is the case once again this year.
Once you’ve unlocked the heir apparent, you’ll be able to turn in Gold and Platinum Medallions for a chance to obtain its Catalyst. This step is more time consuming, and it involves some RNG, but it’s definitely worth it for the catalyst.
Simply follow through the steps necessary to complete the quest:
Step 1: Earn 50 Medal Points
collect points by submitting medals. Medals can be earned by doing various activities in Destiny 2, however the ideal method is to use Contender Cards to get them.
Medals have point values as follows:
- Bronze – 1 Point
- Silver – 2 Points
- Gold – 5 Points
- Platinum – 15 Points
Step 2: Complete Contender Cards
The next step is to submit three more contender cards once you’ve accumulated enough medal points. You can buy these from Eva with your laurels if you meet the following requirements. So, choose the three that best fit your needs.
Step 3: Earn Competitive Spirit
Next up is “Competitive Spirit.” During the daily focus playlist, which rotates between Strikes, Crucible and Gambit, you’ll need to rack up 90 heavy machine gun kills. Check your medal case to discover which activity is being highlighted at the time. The PvP element of the other modes will make your grind more difficult, we suggest doing it on Strikes.
Finally, the quest is complete at this point, upgrading the Catalyst is as simple as getting 700 kills with the Heir Apparent. Then you can finally gloat to your fellow guardians about your fully armed and operating Heir Apparent
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Here’s a video by Joshua Cole on Destiny 2 Guardian Games 2022 – Heir Apparent Exotic Weapon & Catalyst: