How to Use Sacred Water in Dragon Ball Z Kakarot

how to use Sacred Water in Dragon Ball Z Kakarot featured

Saiyans always have to find a way to get stronger, and Sacred Water in Dragon Ball Z is another way to do that. This particular item can help you boost your strength by giving you experience to quickly level up your characters, and this easy-to-understand guide will help you learn how to use and farm Sacred Water in Dragon Ball Z Kakarot.

How to use Sacred Water in Dragon Ball Z Kakarot?

  • Open the menu in-game
  • Go to your Items
  • Switch to the Cooking tab
  • Scroll down to where Sacred Water is
  • Select Sacred Water
  • Select the character you want to use Sacred Water on

After following the steps above, the character you selected will gain experience. The purpose of Sacred Water in Dragon Ball Z Kakarot is to help characters get experience. Many have trouble finding them because they only show up in the Cooking tab.

There’s no point in storing Sacred Water in your inventory so feel free to use them as much as you’d like. Keep in mind that Sacred Water have a level limit so they won’t work on characters who have gone beyond a certain level.

how to get Sacred Water in Dragon Ball Z Kakarot

How to get Sacred Water in Dragon Ball Z Kakarot?

You can get Sacred Water by completing Challenge Condition Rewards by training with Whiz in the Dragon Ball Z Kakarot A New Power Awakens: Part 1. The DLC is necessary for acquiring Sacred Water in the game and can be tackled without beating the main story.

Sacred Water Types in Dragon Ball Z Kakarot

  • Sacred Water: Earn 5000 EXP
  • Super Sacred Water: Earn 75000 EXP
  • Mega Sacred Water: Earn 250000 EXP
  • Supreme Sacred Water: Earn 500000 EXP
  • Super Supreme Sacred Water: Earn 750000 EXP
  • Ultimate Sacred Water: Earn 1500000 EXP

There are multiple different Sacred Water types in Dragon Ball Z Kakarot. Each type give you different experience points with rarer Sacred Waters giving you the most. With Sacred Water, you can bring up your weakest characters to go on par with the toughest foes immediately.

Sacred Water in Dragon Ball Z Kakarot

That’s how to use Sacred Water in Dragon Ball Z Kakarot. If you like our guide, check out our other Dragon Ball Z Kakarot content:

Check out this Youtube video from NoTricks Or Tips GaminG showing a quick way to level up fast.

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