Lords of the Fallen (2023) Sanguinarix: How to Upgrade

How to upgrade Sanguinarix in Lords of the Fallen and where to find the upgrade materials.

Lords of the Fallen Sanguinarix

The Lords of the Fallen Sanguinarix is one of the most important consumable items as it is your primary healing tool. You can upgrade it to enhance its effects and the number of uses by finding a certain item in the game. I’m going to teach you how to do upgrade your Sanguinarix and where to find the upgrade materials required to do so with this guide.

How to upgrade Sanguinarix

Sanguinarix can be upgraded by talking to Pieta at the Skyrest Bridge hub and selecting “Upgrade Sanguinarix.” You need to give her Saintly Quintessence in order to increase its potency and the number of times you can use it. You’ll be shown how much Saintly Quintessence you need to upgrade it to the next level.

You initially start Lords of the Fallen with just three Sanguinarix no matter what class you pick. And while they’re a life saver especially during boss fights, their effects aren’t as good early in the game. That will change if you take advantage of Pieta’s services to increase its healing restoration and charges.

The first time you’ll encounter Pieta is as a boss in front of the Skyrest Bridge early in the game. After defeating her, descend down the stairs from the boss arena. She’ll appear in front of the Vestige as an NPC. From there, she will offer multiple services, one of which is to upgrade your Sanguinarix.

Upgrade Sanguinarix from Pieta

Upgrades made to the Sanguinarix carry over to New Game+ and there are multiple upgrades you can make for this healing tool. The number of Saintly Quintessence needed per upgrade will increase the further the upgrade level.

Sanguinarix Upgrade Levels

Upgrade Level




Sanguinarix +0




Sanguinarix +1



Saintly Quintessence x1

Sanguinarix +2



Saintly Quintessence x1

Sanguinarix +3



Saintly Quintessence x1

Sanguinarix +4



Saintly Quintessence x2

Sanguinarix +5



Saintly Quintessence x2

Sanguinarix +6



Saintly Quintessence x2

Sanguinarix +7



Saintly Quintessence x2

Sanguinarix +8



Saintly Quintessence x2

Sanguinarix +9



Saintly Quintessence x3

Sanguinarix +10



Saintly Quintessence x4

Where to find Sanguinarix upgrade material

Saintly Quintessence is a rare upgrade material used for upgrading your Sanguinarix which can only be found in the Umbral Realm. This is the realm your character goes to when they die or use the Umbral Lamp to visit. You can get Saintly Quintessence after using Soulflay on Umbral Bellies.

To use Soulflay, bring out the Umbral Lamp, lock on to an Umbral Belly and charge it with R2/RT. You’ll get a Saintly Quintessence after.

The Saintly Quintessence can only be used to upgrade your Sanguinarix so there’s no point saving them for anything else. This upgrade material also cannot be dropped or shared between players in co-op. It also can’t be farmed as Saintly Quintessence have specific locations.