Nightingale: All Minor Realm Cards and How to Get Them

A guide about all the Minor Realm Cards in Nightingale

Nightingale Minor Realm Cards cover

Minor Realm Cards are a type of Realm Cards in Nightingale used for customizing several effects within a realm and the character, ranging from tool effectiveness, gravity, resource yield, and loot drops, to list a few. Read ahead as we go through the different kinds of Minor Realm Cards in Nightingale.

How Realm Cards work in Nightingale

There are a total of 52 Minor Cards in Nightingale, each having their own ways of altering the different aspects of the game. Some of these cards are upgraded versions that offer more potent effects. Generally, cards are either beneficial, neutral, or have their own cons to balance out the pros.

To use a Minor Card, go to a Realmic Transmuter and use a chosen card on it. This will consume the card and apply the card’s effects on to the realm. There will also be visual changes that can be seen on the sky to indicate that the card has taken effect. The cursor can hover over the card icons on the lower left corner of the screen to see the effects of the current card in play.

Only one Minor Card can be active on a realm at any time. Using a different Minor Card will replace any active card effects. Using a Cleansing Card will remove any active card effects.

Minor Cards can be used in conjunction with any Biome and Major Cards, and it can be advantageous to use specific Minor Cards to overcome challenges that some Biome-Major combo realms pose.

Most Minor Cards’ recipes can be purchased from Essence Traders in specific realms. Additional copies of the cards can then be crafted through an Enchanter’s Focus using varying qualities of paper, ink, and either Essences or specific types of materials.

All Minor Cards, their effects, how to get them, and their crafting recipes

Minor CardEffectsHow to ObtainCrafting Recipe
Alchemist+ Chance of finding crafted potions, essence
+ Magick of crafted items
Recipe purchased from Ascended Swamp Astrolabe Essence Traderx1 Foil Paper
x1 Lustrous Ink
x1 Diamond
Amphibious+ Swim speed
+ Disease Resistance
Ability to recover Stamina while in water
Recipe purchased from Swamp Antiquarian Essence Traderx1 Paper
x1 Ink
x25 Essence Dust
AnglerAbility to fish within the realmRecipe purchased from Abeyance Essence Traderx1 Paper
x1 Ink
x25 Essence Dust
ArtisanAll crafting stations augmented to max
+ Crafting station performance
– Refinement time by 10s
+ Comfort
Recipe purchased from Swamp Provisioner Essence Trader
Looted from Fae Chests
x1 Coated Paper
x1 Vibrant Ink
Blood Moon+ Drop rate of rare items from enemies
– Max Health
Recipe purchased from Desert Antiquarian Essence Trader
Looted from Fae Chests
x1 Paper
x1 Ink
x25 Essence Dust
Blood Moon Eminent++ Drop rate of rare items from enemies
— Max Health
– Health regeneration
Recipe purchased from Desert Antiquarian Essence Traderx1 Coated Paper
x1 Vibrant Ink
x1 Bound Ichor
Blood Moon Apogean+++ Drop rate of rare items from enemies
— Max Health
— Health regeneration
Recipe purchased from Ascended Desert Antiquarian/Gloom Essence Traderx1 Foil Paper
x1 Lustrous Ink
x1 Yew Lumber
Blunderbuss+ Shotgun damage
+ Shotgun ammo yield
– Other non-shotgun type gun damage
Recipe purchased from Swamp Hunt Essence Traderx1 Coated Paper
x1 Vibrant Ink
x1 Stock
Bulwark’s WorkshopTools crafted will gain the following:
+++ Durability
+++ Blocking Efficiency
++ Weight
++ Stamina Efficiency
Changes the season to autumn
Recipe purchased from Swamp Astrolabe Essence Traderx1 Paper
x1 Ink
x25 Essence Dust
CleansingRemoves all minor card effects in a realmx1 Paper
x1 Ink
x10 Essence Dust
Combatant’s Workshop– Crafting time by 10s
Crafted tools will have:
++ Damage
– Yield
Changes the season to summer
Looted from Fae Chestsx1 Paper
x1 Ink
x25 Essence Dust
Deep Fae Wilds– Damage dealt
+ Max Health
+ Max Stamina
+ Health regeneration
+ Stamina regeneration
Recipe purchased from Swamp Provisioner Essence Trader
Reward from Puzzle Cores
x1 Coated Paper
x1 Vibrant Ink
x1 Bound Ichor
Dragon’s Hoard+ Chances of finding rare gems in Fae and Human Chests
+ Damage taken
Recipe purchased from Forest Astrolabe Essence Trader
Looted from Fae Chests
x1 Paper
x1 Ink
x25 Essence Dust
Dragon’s Hoard Eminent++ Chances of finding rare gems in Fae and Human Chests
++ Damage taken
Recipe purchased from Forest Gloom Essence Traderx1 Coated Paper
x1 Vibrant Ink
x1 Sapphire
Dragon’s Hoard Apogean+++ Chances of finding rare gems in Fae and Human Chests
+++ Damage taken
Recipe purchased from Ascended Forest Antiquarian/Gloom Essence Traderx1 Foil Paper
x1 Lustrous Ink
x1 Sapphire
Duelist+ Damage dealt
+ Damage taken
Recipe purchased from Desert Antiquarian Essence Trader
Looted from Fae Chests
x1 Paper
x1 Ink
x25 Essence Dust
Estate Address CardAllows players to go to a specific player’s Abeyance Realm. Can be gifted to other players to invite them to your estate, online or offline.Recipe purchased from Abeyance Essence Trader
Reward from completing Points of Interest
x1 Paper
x1 Ink
Explorer+ Food Duration
– Damage dealt
– Damage taken
Recipe purchased from Abeyance Essence Trader
Looted from Fae Chests
x1 Paper
x1 Ink
x25 Essence Dust
Explorer Eminent++ Food Duration
— Damage dealt
— Damage taken
Recipe purchased from Forest Provisioner Essence Trader
Looted from Fae Chests
x1 Coated Paper
x1 Vibrant Ink
x1 Shimmering Ore
Farm+ Crop growth speed
+ Crop yield
+ Chance of finding Essence when harvesting
Recipe purchased from Forest Hunt Essence Traderx1 Coated Paper
x1 Vibrant Ink
x1 Potato
Feast+ Food buff benefits
+ Food buff duration
+ Health regeneration
– Hunger rate
Recipe purchased from Abeyance Essence Trader
Looted from Fae Chests
x1 Paper
x1 Ink
x25 Essence Dust
Forge+ Ore yield
+ Quality of items crafted with metal
– Refinement time
– Effectiveness of other materials
Recipe purchased from Swamp Herbarium Essence Traderx1 Coated Paper
x1 Vibrant Ink
x1 Ingot
Fortitude+ Resistance to injury
+ Blocking
+ Structure fortitude
+ Durability consumption of tools and clothing
Recipe purchased from Desert Herbarium Essence Traderx1 Coated Paper
x1 Vibrant Ink
x1 Granite
Ghost+ Stealth
+ Resource and Essence yield
– Damage dealt
Recipe purchased from Ascended Forest Provisioner Essence Traderx1 Foil Paper
x1 Lustrous Ink
x1 Obsidian Glass
Greenhouse+ Crop yield
– Refinement time of Refined Fiber
+ Quality of items crafted with plants
+ Crafted clothing weight
Recipe purchased from Swamp Hunt essence Trader
Looted from Fae Chests
x1 Coated Paper
x1 Vibrant Ink
x1 Flower
Harvester’s Workshop– Refinement time of tools by 10s
Crafted tools gain the following:
+++ Efficiency
++ Damage
— Weight
Looted from Fae Chestsx1 Paper
x1 Ink
x25 Essence Dust
Hearth+ Meal buff duration
+ Rested buff duration
– Hunger rate
+ Health regeneration
+ Stamina regeneration
Recipe purchased from Swamp Herbarium Essence Traderx1 Coated Paper
x1 Vibrant Ink
x1 Carved Wood
Hunter+ Drops from slain creatures
+ Damage dealt to weak points
– Damage dealt to non weak points
Recipe purchased from Desert Hunt Essence Traderx1 Coated Paper
x1 Vibrant Ink
x1 Predator Meat
Hunter Eminent++ Drops from slain creatures
++ Damage dealt to weak points
— Damage dealt to non weak points
Recipe purchased from Ascended Desert Provisioner Essence Traderx1 Foil Paper
x1 Lustrous Ink
x1 Predator Bone
Industry+ Crafted ammunition yield
+ Crafted ingot yield
+ Crafting time
Recipe purchased from Desert Provisioner Essence Traderx1 Coated Paper
x1 Vibrant Ink
x1 Gunpowder
Lumber Mill+ Wood yield
– Refinement time of wood products
+ Quality of crafted wood items
– Effectiveness of crafted wood items
Recipe purchased from Forest Herbarium Essence Traderx1 Coated Paper
x1 Vibrant Ink
x1 Lumber
MaleficiatePuts realm into eternal darkness
+ Drops from Bound
Recipe purchased from Desert Gloom Essence Trader
Looted from Fae Chests
x1 Coated Paper
x1 Vibrant Ink
x1 Wick
Maleficiate ApogeanPuts realm into eternal darkness
Constant tick damage
++ Drops from Bound
Recipe purchased from Desert Gloom Essence Trader
Looted from Fae Chests
x1 Foil Paper
x1 Lustrous Ink
x1 Bound Ingot
Marksman+ Damage dealt by rifles and pistols
+ Effectiveness of rifle and pistol ammo
– Effectiveness of shotguns
Recipe purchased from Forest Hunt Essence Trader
Looted from Fae Chests
x1 Coated Paper
x1 Vibrant Ink
x1 Barrel
Might+ Strength
+ Carrying capacity
– Tool and clothing durability
Recipe purchased from Desert Astrolabe Essence traderx1 Paper
x1 Ink
x25 Essence Dust
Outlaw+ Damage dealt with pistols
+ Yield of crafted pistol ammo
+ Damage dealt by magickal pistol ammo
– Damage dealt by other guns
Recipe purchased from Desert Hunt Essence Traderx1 Coated Paper
x1 Vibrant Ink
x1 Action
Quarry+ Stone block yield
– Refinement time of stone blocks
+ Quality of crafted stone items
+ Efficiency of crafted stone items
Recipe purchased from Desert Herbarium Essence Trader
Looted from Fae Chests
x1 Coated Paper
x1 Vibrant Ink
x1 Stone Block
Settler+ Crop growing speed
+ Crop yield
+ Yield of refined building materials
+ Durability of building pieces
– Stamina regeneration
Recipe purchased from Forest Antiquarian Essence Trader
Looted from Fae Chests
x1 Paper
x1 Ink
x25 Essence Dust
Settler Eminent++ Crop growing speed
++ Crop yield
++ Yield of refined building materials
++ Durability of building pieces
— Stamina regeneration
Recipe purchased from Forest Herbarium Essence Trader
Looted from Fae Chests
x1 Coated Paper
x1 Vibrant Ink
x1 Lumber
Settler Apogean+++ Crop growing speed
+++ Crop yield
+++ Yield of refined building materials
+++ Durability of building pieces
— Stamina regeneration
Recipe purchased from Ascended Forest Astrolabe Essence Traderx1 Foil Paper
x1 Lustrous Ink
x1 Gilded Lumber
Tavern+ Meal buff duration
– Tired rate
+ Stamina regeneration
Recipe purchased from Swamp Astrolabe Essence Traderx1 Paper
x1 Ink
x25 Essence Dust
TempestChanges the weather to always be raining
+ Magick potency
Recipe purchased from Swamp Astrolabe Essence Traderx1 Paper
x1 Ink
x25 Essence Dust
Tempest EminentChanges the weather to always be raining
Deadlier rain
++ Magick potency
Recipe purchased from Swamp Gloom Essence Traderx1 Coated Paper
x1 Vibrant Ink
x1 Emerald
Tempest ApogeanChanges the weather to always be raining
Deadlier rain
Always nighttime
+++ Magick potency
Recipe purchased from Ascended Swamp Antiquarian Essence Traderx1 Foil Paper
x1 Lustrous Ink
x1 Sapphire
Thinned Veil+ Movement speed
– Stamina usage
+ Jump height
+ Durability consumption rate
Recipe purchased from Forest antiquarian Essence Trader
Looted from Fae Chests
x1 Paper
x1 Ink
x25 Essence Dust
Treasury+ Chance of finding EssenceRecipe purchased from Forest Astrolabe Essence Trader
Looted from Fae Chests
x1 Paper
x1 Ink
x25 Essence Dust
Treasury Eminent++ Chance of finding EssenceRecipe purchased from Forest Provisioner Essence Traderx1 Coated Paper
x1 Vibrant Ink
x1 Shimmering Ore
Trickster+ Jump height
+ Strength
– Damage taken
– Damage dealt
– Resource yield
Recipe purchased from Forest Gloom Essence Traderx1 Coated Paper
x1 Vibrant Ink
x1 Ayrium Ore
UtopiaAlways daytimeRecipe purchased from Forest Antiquarian Essence Traderx1 Paper
x1 Ink
x25 Essence Dust
Utopia ApogeanAlways daytime
Undetectable by enemies
Recipe purchased from Ascended Swamp Hunt Essence Traderx1 Foil Paper
x1 Lustrous Ink
x1 Diamond
Weighted+ Melee damage
+ Harvesting power
+ Fall velocity
– Jump velocity
+ Stamina efficiency
Recipe purchased from Swamp Antiquarian Essence Trader
Looted from Fae Chests
x1 Paper
x1 Ink
x25 Essence Dust
Weighted Eminent++ Melee damage
++ Harvesting power
++ Fall velocity
— Jump velocity
++ Stamina efficiency
Recipe purchased from Swamp Gloom Essence Trader
Looted from Fae Chests
x1 Coated Paper
x1 Vibrant Ink
x1 Sandstone

Also check out our guides on every other type of Realm Cards in Nightingale:

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