Is One Piece Odyssey Multiplayer?

One Piece has always leaned on friendship to succeed any hardships that come our way. So you may be looking for any One Piece Odyssey multiplayer potential if you have a buddy to play the turn based RPG from Bandai Namco with. Let’s talk about potential multiplayer coop that could be in One Piece Odyssey.

Is One Piece Odyssey Multiplayer?

No, One Piece Odyssey will not have any multiplayer or coop features. This turn-based JRPG will be a purely single-player experience as confirmed from our hands-on impression of the game.

It isn’t strange to see that since JRPG’s are usually solely tailored for one player as traditional turn-based games usually are. The reason players may be asking if One Piece Odyssey is multiplayer is because there was multiplayer in One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 which had a Dynasty Warrior gameplay style. That isn’t the case for Odyssey which follows a traditional turn-based JRPG formula.

Although developers are considering updates to One Piece Odyssey if the game does well, it’s doubtful that multiplayer is a feature they have in mind. Though game developer Katsuaki Tsuzuki will consider a Switch port for Odyssey if the game receives a positive enough reception. There was no mention of any kind of multiplayer from Bandai Namco.

Our One Piece Odyssey Hands-On Impression will tell you what you need to know about the gameplay which was geared towards a one player experience.

Is One Piece Odyssey multiplayer

Unfortunately there are no One Piece Odyssey multiplayer options. Though don’t expect to be lonely because you do have the Straw Hats with you on your journey. Check out other related One Piece Odyssey articles from us:

Check out this Youtube video of One Piece Odyssey gameplay from Gamer’s Little Playground.

Senior Editor