Is The Day Before Crossplay? Cross-platform for PC, Xbox, & PlayStation Explained

Get the lowdown on The Day Before's crossplay features with our guide and find out if you can game with friends on PC, Xbox, and PlayStation.

Is The Day Before Crossplay - Cross-platform for PC, Xbox, & PlayStation Explained

As an MMO releasing on multiple platforms, we’re all expecting The Day Before to have crossplay. However, not all online games allow you to play with players on different devices. Find out if you can play cross-platform with other players in The Day Before.

Does The Day Before Have Crossplay?

The good news is that The Day Before will have crossplay support on its full release. You can explore the open world with your friends, no matter what platform they’re playing on. Crossplay just won’t be available on its early access that’s releasing this December.

Don’t expect crossplay support to be available when the game comes out. The Day Before will first be an early access release for PC only before it becomes available on consoles like the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S. Once the full launch is released, players will be able to enjoy cross-platform play support.

We don’t have a date yet for when the game will come out for full release. Developers Fntastic claimed that The Day Before will come out on consoles when the game reaches its best version possible. It could be a while before we see that happen, given that other games like Baldur’s Gate 3 have been on early access for three years before they were fully released to critical acclaim.

If you want to wait for the console release of The Day Before, you may have to wait a while. The good news is that you can ask a friend playing on PC for help with progressing your character since crossplay support should be available by then.

That explains everything you need to know about Crossplay in The Day Before. For more guides, news, and walkthroughs, feel free to check out our main page for The Day Before.

Senior Editor