Gadgets in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 are your go-to options when dealing with groups of enemies. These handy helpers have gotten the Spider-Men out of some very dangerous situations. And in this guide, I’ll tell you everything you need to know about them. I’ll tell you what kind of help each gadget brings to a fight, what resources you need to upgrade, and at what levels they unlock.
There are 5 gadgets in the game. All are shared between both Spider-Men and are cast through a combination of [R1] and the face buttons.
Go to a Specific Gadget:
Every gadget does extremely well under the right circumstances. A perfect maelstrom where everything lines up perfectly. Working on your timing could mean the difference between an easy fight and a life-threatening one.

This is the gadget that’s going to be readily available in every encounter. You can use it to slow down enemies and even get them stuck on surfaces. With enough shots, you can tie a Brute up long enough for you to get in a decent amount of hits.
Web-Shooter Upgrades
- Increased Recharge
- Description: Increases how quickly Web-Shooters refill.
- Increased Capacity
- Description: Increases max shot count by 4.
- Cost: 115 Tech Parts, 3 City Tokens
- Recycle
- Description: Increases Focus gain from hitting enemies with Web-Shooters.
- Cost: 115 Tech Parts, 4 Rare Tech Parts
- Splash Zone
- Description: Every third Web Shot at a single enemy creates a small Web Splash that adds webbing to nearby enemies.
- Unlocked at Level 18
- Cost: 120 Tech Parts, 6 Rare Tech Parts
- Web Burst
- Description: Webbing up a standard-size enemy at point-blank range causes the enemy to fly back.
- Unlocked at Level 19
- Cost: 120 Tech Parts, 4 Hero Tokens
Upshot is perfectly suited to stopping enemies in their tracks and setting them up for a flurry of air combos. It’s not very effective against Brutes. However, you can use it to get the normal-sized enemies out of the way for a bit while you focus your attention on the brute.
Upshot Upgrades
- Increased Capacity 1
- Description: Increases max shot count by 1.
- Cost: 115 Tech Parts, 2 City Tokens
- Heavy Pop Up
- Description: A stronger thrust allows projectiles to lift Brute enemies.
- Cost: 115 Tech Parts, 5 Rare Tech Parts
- Increased Capacity II
- Description: Increases max shot count by 1.
- Cost: 115 Tech Parts, 4 City Tokens
- Fire Power
- Unlocked at Level 24
- Description: Increases the amount of projectiles fired in a single volley.
- Cost: 140 Tech Parts, 5 Hero Tokens
- Projectile Launch
- Unlocked at Level 25
- Description: Firing the gadget causes an additional burst that knocks enemies away.
- Cost: 155 Tech Parts, 7 Rare Tech Parts
Web Grabber
- Cost: 115 Tech Parts, 3 City Tokens
Web grabber shines most brightly in battles with lots of enemies and throwable objects. The throwables actually deal damage to enemies they collide with as if they were thrown by Spider-Man. But even if that is not the case, you can use it for its intended purpose and draw enemies in for that satisfying Area of Effect attack.
Web Grabber Upgrades
- Bombard
- Unlocked at Level 10
- Description: Pull in throwables from the environment, crashing them into enemies.
- Cost: 155 Tech Parts, 3 City Tokens
- Increased Range
- Unlocked at Level 11
- Description: Grabs enemies from longer distances.
- Cost: 170 Tech Parts, 6 Rare Tech Parts
- Heave Ho!
- Unlocked at Level 16
- Description: Increased power allows for Brutes to be pulled in.
- Cost: 165 Tech Parts, 5 Hero Tokens
- Grabtastic
- Unlocked at Level 25
- Description: Increases the number of enemies grabbed from 4 to 6.
- Cost: 155 Tech Parts, 3 City Tokens
- Remix
- Unlocked at Level 26
- Description: Web Grabber projectiles become electrified throwables after being deployed. Throw using [L1] + [R1] to electrify enemies.
- Cost: 175 Tech Parts, 8 Rare Tech Parts
Concussion Burst
- Unlocked at Level 11
- Cost: 170 Tech Parts, 4 Rare Tech Parts
- Later upgraded to Sonic Burst.
- Stun all nearby Symbiote enemies and Knock Back non-Symbiote enemies.
Concussion burst, and later Sonic Burst, allows you to get some breathing when surrounded by enemies. Most effective in situations where there are a lot of enemies with shields and weapons and are close to a wall. Stuns symbiotes for a good bit.
Concussion Burst Upgrades
- Burst Disarm
- Unlocked at Level 13
- Description: Enemies drop their weapons caught in the blast.
- Cost: 200 Tech Parts, 5 Hero Tokens
- Lure
- Description: When fired while in stealth, away from enemies, this device emits a sound that draws enemies to it.
- Cost: 190 Tech Parts, 5 Rare Tech Parts
- Unlocked at Level 14
- Increased Capacity
- Unlocked at Level 22
- Description: Increases max shot count by 1.
- Cost: 195 Tech Parts, 4 City Tokens
- Shockwave
- Unlocked at Level 27
- Description: Increase the blast radius.
- Cost: 220 Tech Parts, 6 Rare Tech Parts
- Mine Deploy
- Description: Launches three additional micro-mines that detonate with a small concussive blast when enemies approach.
Ricochet Web
- Unlocked at Level 13
- Cost: 200 Tech Parts, 6 Hero Tokens
This gadget functions like regular web-shooters but its shot goes between enemies in close proximity. Best used in situations where enemies are clumped up together, whether by their will or unwillingly brought together.
Ricochet Web Upgrades
- Kinetic Translation
- Description: Enemies are pushed further back when webbed up by the Ricochet Web.
- Cost: 225 Tech Parts, 6 Rare Tech Parts
- Increased Capacity
- Description: Increases max shot count by 1.
- Cost: 225 Tech Parts, 7 Rare Tech Parts
- Increased Potency
- Description: Increases the number of Ricochet Web bounces between targets.
- Cost: 220 Tech Parts, 6 Hero Tokens
- Web Punch
- Unlocked at Level 32
- Description: Initial shot knocks back enemies with more force and instantly webs up Brutes.
- Cost: 240 Tech Parts, 4 City Tokens
- Split Shot
- Unlocked at Level 33
- Description: Allows Web Shots to split on ricochet to hit more targets.
- Cost: Tech Parts 250, 9 Rare Tech Parts
One final note: you get the To the Max Silver trophy after purchasing all gadget upgrades.
And that’s everything you need to know about gadgets in Spider-Man 2. The best advice I can give any up-and-coming Spider-Man is to keep experimenting and find out for yourself when and where to use gadgets. You’ll enjoy the game’s combat even more. Plus, it looks so impressive to see everything come together perfectly.
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