The Icebreaker pursuit is one of the pursuits in Dredge: The Pale Reach. The Traveling Merchant discovers that the previous...
The Collector is the sixth and final chapter of Dredge. With the final relic in the hands of the Fisherman,...
Flames of the Deep is the fifth chapter or pursuit in Dredge. The Fisherman now has to sail to the...
The Bitter End is the fourth chapter or pursuit in Dredge. The Fisherman now has to venture into the maze-like...
Research Assistant is the third chapter or pursuit in Dredge. The Fisherman’s quest to find the relics leads him to...
Hermitage is the second chapter or pursuit in Dredge. After finding the first relic from a nearby shipwreck, The Collector...
Grotesque Fish is the First Chapter or Main Pursuit in Dredge. The Fisherman hauls in what appears to be an...
Dredge is a fishing game entwined with some Eldritch horrors where an unassuming fisherman hauls in cursed-looking creatures and eventually...
With the full release of Coral Island, the Lake Temple Offerings have been updated once again. Giving offerings to the...
Hay is a consumable product in Coral Island and is given to farm animals as their main source of food....