In Dead Space Remake Chapter 2: Intensive Care, text and audio logs give lot of background as to what happened when the Necromorph outbreak started in the Ishimura. Thanks to the seamless exploration of the USG ship until late in Chapter 11, you can go back and collect any of these if you missed them. Collecting all the logs will earn you the Story Teller and Legend Teller trophies/achievements.
Here is a guide showing you the Chapter 2 text and audio log locations in the Dead Space Remake.
All Chapter 2 Text and Audio Log Locations in Dead Space Remake
Destroy the Barricade – Security Station
Once Isaac enters the Medical, he gets a call from Hammond who tells him he got separated from Kendra. And that the Necromorph he killed was surely Chen. This audio log is story related and will automatically be picked up.
Patient Harris – Consultation Room
Once Isaac enters the Imaging Diagnostics, he will need to power up a circuit breaker. After doing so, he’ll have to choose between the elevator to proceed with his objective or the doors. Power the doors and go back to the consultation room on the other side of the room. The audio log can be found on the desk.
Calculated Risks – Observation Room
After Isaac takes the elevator above on his way to find a Hydrazine tank, take the door to the Observation Room and get the text log from one of the beds.
Found a Hydrazine Tank – Zero-G Therapy Maintenance
After taking the Hydrazine tank, Isaac gets a call from Hammond who he tells what he needs to do next. Hammonds bids him to work fast. This audio log is story related and will automatically be picked up.
Shook the Whole Ship – Medical
After getting the Hydrazine tank and making his way through the Zero-G Therapy chamber, something shakes the whole ship. Isaac gets a call from Hammond about it. This audio log is story related and will automatically be picked up.
Almost Got Me – Medical
While in Zero-G, Hammond calls Isaac to tell him about a close encounter with death. This audio log is story related and will automatically be picked up.
Anonymized Transcript – Dr. N. Brennan – SMO
Can be found on the book shelf of Nicole Brennan’s office in the Medical Main Lab. This is the area that gets locked down when Necromorphs attack Isaac.
Nicole’s Log – Dr. N. Brennan – SMO
On the table on Nicole Brennan’s office in the Medical Main Lab.
Marker Discovery – Dr. T. Kyne – CSO
After fighting the Necromorphs in the Main Lab, the lockdown will be lifted where Isaac can enter the office of Dr. T. Kyne in the bottom floor. The text log is on the table with a human anatomy replica.
They Defy Death Itself – Medical
In the bathroom at the back of Kyne’s office in the Medical Main Lab. You’ll find the audio log in one of the stalls.
Vital Personnel – Medical
On the table before the cargo lift in the room where Isaac first encounters the Lurker Necromorph.
Found a Shock Pad – Limb Stimulation Therapy
After taking the Shock Pad from the Limb Stimulation Therapy, Isaac contacts Hammond to tell him he found a way through the barricade. This audio log is story related and will automatically be picked up.
Find the Captain’s RIG – Ishimura Clinic
The moment Isaac sets foot in the Ishimura Clinic Hammond will call him to remind Isaac of what he has to do. This audio log is story related and will automatically be picked up.
Patient Observations – Emergency Room
In the Ishimura Clinic on the Emergency Room, this text log can be found on one of the beds near the entrance to the Morgue.
Nicole’s Log – Emergency Room
In the Emergency Room there is a secret room that you can get to by following Nicole’s hologram. From the circuit breaker, power up the showers and this will open a hatch. Look left from the breaker and use kinesis to move the door to the left and enter the room then grab the audio log from the table.
Colony’s Problems – ER Hallway B
At the end of the hallway before the emergency room, this audio log can be picked up from the floor next to the Oxygen Recharge station.
Rats in the Walls – ER Hallway B
Can be found on the security phone in the ER Hallway B just before entering the Intensive Care Unit.
Autopsy Report – Morgue
Inside the Morgue to the desk towards the right, you can pick up this text log.
Transmitting Codes – Morgue
After picking up Captain Mathius’ RIG, Isaac contacts Hammond to transmit the codes hoping to find a way out of the Ishimura. This audio log is story related and will automatically be picked up.
Go to Engineering – Morgue
Once Isaac takes the elevator back up from the Morgue, there will be shaking before he’s contacted by Hammond to tell him to go to the Flight Lounge and take a shortcut to Engineering. This audio log is story related and will automatically be picked up.
That’s all the Chapter 2 text and audio logs in the Dead Space Remake. If you like our article, here’s more Dead Space Remake content that you’ll love:
The Dead Space Remake is now available for the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.