Destiny 2 is gearing up for its big expansion like every year but unlike most expansions, Witch Queen has more riding on its story than most. This may be due to the fact that Destiny has arguably has its best year in terms of content. Even stories which were previously pushed to the side in previous expansions are now front and center.

And as we all wait excitedly for the expansion releasing on the 22nd of February. Bungie have released a new interactive trailer which is a mission report briefing by the Ikora Rey addressing “The Guardian” on behalf of the Vanguard. This Interactive trailer aptly catches up everyone with the story of the last few seasons while teasing the Witch Queen expansion. I would recommend seeing the interactive trailer for oneself on the Bungie Website.

To know more about what’s coming up in Destiny 2 with the Witch Queen Expansion check out articles from us on the following topics: