Shiny Stones are one of the rare resources that can be found in Dinkum. The shine on these stones offers some glimpse on what ores can be found inside and when collected, they can offer players a huge boost in progression between the early and mid stages of the game.
In this guide, we’ll talk about Shiny Stones, how to get them, and how to process them to get some useful stuff.

How to get Shiny Stones in Dinkum
Shiny Stones are rare drops from breaking stones, ore nodes, and boulders that are out in the wild or down within the underground mines. They are quite rare and only average of about one shiny stone per stone broken. They can be collected and stacked inside the inventory for safe keeping.
Shiny Stone Grinding Yield
On their own, these Shiny Stones only go for 100 Dinks a piece and they are not used for any other blueprints. But when processed by grinding through a Stone Grinder, which can be bought from John’s Goods for 10,000 Dinks, they give out ores needed for higher end crafting, and even valuable gems.
Each Shiny Stone will give out three pieces of ores/gems which can either be Tin, Copper, Iron, or Opal. Shiny Stones can be a good source for Iron in the early part of the game, especially when the Deep Mine has not been unlocked yet. Opals obtained from these stones can be sold for 15,000 Dinks a piece, which also gives a huge financial boost

Shiny Stone Notes
- It’s not really recommended to go farming for Shiny Stones just for the sake of obtaining Opals for Dinks as there are other activities that are more lucrative in the same amount of time that you spend, such as fishing. It’s best to have it as more of a side objective for activities like gathering stones to make cement or brick tiles.
- If ever you are transitioning from Tin to Copper tools or you are just about to start working on unlocking the Deep Mines, looking for Shiny Stones can be worth doing as it gives you chances of getting Iron ores for the next tier of tools.
Dinkum is available to purchase on Steam.
If you like this guide, be sure to check out our other Dinkum articles:
- Dinkum Fishing Guide – How to easily catch Fish
- How to Bury Fruits and Seeds in Dinkum
- Dinkum Quarry Guide
- Dinkum Thunder Egg Guide
Check out this video by The Ginger Empire showing how to process Shiny Stones: