Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker Aether Compass – Where to Find It?

Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker Aether Compass

Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker restructures a few things in your inventory. You may not find what you’re looking for immediately, but don’t panic. Your precious items didn’t disappear due to some glitch. They’re still somewhere in your inventory.

A particular item that’s no longer where it is just happens to be one of the most important for traversing Final Fantasy XIV and that’s because Endwalker moved the Aether Compass somewhere else. Here’s where you find the Final Fantasy XIV Aether Compass.

Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker: Where Is The Aether Compass?

If you got to you inventory, you’ll notice that the Aether Compass isn’t in your Key Items anymore. How will you ever find new aether currents?

Thankfully the Aether Compass didn’t disappear in Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker. It’s pretty simple to find.

Where You Can Find the Aether Compass

Here is where you find the Aether Compass. Don’t worry it doesn’t involve unlocking it again.

Go to Your Duty Tab

Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker Aether Compass

To find the Aether Compass in Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker, you need to go to your Duty Tab.

Select Collection

Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker Aether Compass

You should see your Aether Compass patiently waiting to be used. Go ahead and select it to find new Aether Currents.

Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker What Does the Aether Compass Do?

Your Aether Compass allows you to locate and find Aether Currents. You need Aether Currents to enable flying for your mount in a specific region.

This makes travel much easier. It’s understandable why anyone wouldn’t want to lose the Aether Compass in Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker. You wouldn’t want to be deprived of quick traversal, would you?

Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker How to Unlock Aether Compass

If you still haven’t unlocked the Aether Compass in Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker, you can receive it after you finish your quest from the Divine Intervention as a quest reward during the Heavensward expansion.

While the Aether Compass isn’t a key item anymore, you still cannot sell it and it remains a permanent part of your inventory.

For more Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker related content, check out our other articles.