Laurels in Destiny 2 are collectibles dropped from Slain enemies and is exclusive to the Annual Guardian Games event in Destiny 2. Throughout the course of the event, you will come into contact with these materials frequently.
Destiny 2’s Guardian Games are back, this time putting Titans, Hunters, and Warlocks against one another in a friendly rivalry to see who can rule their respective classes. Everything from cosmetics and medallions to hoarding the new SMG The Title is here. You’ll need to gather Laurels in order to complete several of the tasks you’ll come across.
Guardians will have a variety of ways to fill their inventory. With all that, Here’s everything you need to know on how to get Laurels quickly in Guardian Games 2022.

How to Earn Laurels Fast in Destiny 2 Guardian Games 2022
Using your abilities is all it takes to earn Laurels (Supers, grenades, and charged melee abilities).
Laurels can be earned by killing enemies using your class abilities and by killing particularly strong opponents. You can also pick up Laurels from other teams and so forth. To answer your question, the color of the sigil depends on the class that made the kill, therefore Titans, Warlocks, and Hunters all have distinct colors.
Medallions are the primary form of currency that you can earn in Guardian Games. As you progress through activities, the Laurels you get will help you earn more Medallions and XP.

Keep in mind that you will need to equip the class item you received at the beginning of the quest from Eva Levante for the Guardian Games. To the extent that you have the appropriate class mark, you will be able to proceed and earn Laurels.
For Titan, using Void 3.0 is a fantastic option as it has excellent synergies with other items to help you restore your abilities. If you chose Warlock as your class, you might utilize Sun Bracers, which will also restore your abilities in a short period of time. Hunters should use Throwing Knives since they can gain the ability “Playing with Fire,” which allows them to constantly regenerate knives as long as they are getting kills, allowing them to rack up an unbelievable amount of laurels in a short period of time.
Other than that, we recommend playing the seasonal activity, that involves entering the tower, which includes two playlists: the Guardian Games Recreational Playlist and the Guardian Games Training Playlist. If you haven’t finished your entry quest yet, then one of the playlist will be locked. Both of these games will include a slew of enemies for you to take down, and you’ll collect medallions and other rewards as you continue through the Guardian Games.
And that’s it on how to earn Laurels Fast in Destiny 2 Guardian Games 2022. Other than that, it’s as simple as spamming your abilities till you get some Laurels!
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Here’s a video by Truds on Destiny 2 Guardian Games 2022 – FAST LAUREL FARM BUILDS for ALL CLASSES: