How to Open Maria’s Room in Demonologist?

A guide for how to see the Maria's Room easter egg in Demonologist.

Players are looking for ways to open Maria’s room in Demonologist to see the easter egg that Clock Wizard Games left to see. Maria’s room just happens to be one of the hardest to get into due to the requirements to open it being very specific. In this guide, we’ll teach you how to open Maria’s room and witness all the horrors that await you there for yourself.

How to Open Maria’s Room in Demonologist?

To open Maria’s Room in Demonologist, you have to complete her riddle which can be done in the following steps:

  1. Go to Maria’s Room and stare at the door for a few seconds. Something will happen inside and you’ll hear it.
  2. Go to the fireplace and look at the word “Smile” with your camera. Say “smile” into your microphone.
  3. Head into the bedroom and open the closet. You’ll find a purse that has the word “Lust” written on it. Say the word “lust” into your microphone.
  4. Take out your Ectoplasm Glass and use it on the wall. You’ll see “3 AM” written on it. Change the nearby clocks to reflect the time and you’ll hear a chime if you did it right.
  5. Go to the basement and look for the Limbo book on the bookshelf. Say “Limbo” out loud to your microphone and a passageway should open. Enter the passage and say “They’ll come for me” into your mic.
  6. Finally head up to the top floor and go into the bathroom. Stand in front of the mirror and say “Bloody Mary” three times.
How to Open Maria's Room in Demonologist?

After completing the steps above, Maria’s room in Demonologist will open, and you can enter. What you find inside is something we won’t spoil, but just steel your heart. Don’t forget to bring a Camera and Ectoplasm Glass as these Demonologist tools are needed to solve the riddle.

Clock Wizard Games actually tweeted about the riddle on their Twitter page. The riddle itself displays the steps of what you need to do to get inside Maria’s Room.

That’s how to open Maria’s Room in Demonologist. Some Easter eggs in the game are better off not seeing but they are very interesting to encounter. If you’re brave enough for it, go ahead and solve this riddle using the steps in this guide.

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