How to Solve the Singularity Rocks in Tower of Fantasy

A guide on how to solve the Singularity Rocks in Tower of Fantasy.

Tower of Fantasy Singularity Rock cover

Singularity Rocks are one of the world exploration points of interest that can be interacted with by players in Tower of Fantasy. These statues appear to be carrying a metal sphere which contains some treasure. No physical attacks from any of the weapons can seem to make the sphere move, except for a certain relic.

In this guide, we will talk about how to solve the Singularity Rocks.

How to Solve the Singularity Rocks in Tower of Fantasy

To solve the Singularity Rocks, you will need to use the Strange Cube relic which can be unlocked by completing the Ruin A-02 for the first time, located in the Astra region.

Strange Cube relic

Once you have the relic, you can then use the relic near a Singularity Rock to release a shockwave that will blast away the sphere. You can then get on top of the statue to get the reward which is usually either a Black Nucleus or a Gold Nucleus.

How to spot a Singularity Rock that has a reward

If you have been roaming around Aesperia to find these points of interest, you’re bound to encounter some that are still time-locked, especially when playing during the early days of the game. If you had to skip a Singularity Rock because of this, you can leave a marker on your minimap.

But if you forgot to leave a marker, then you can simply look at the minimap again and check if you see a diamond marker. If it has, then the rock still has a treasure for your to collect, otherwise you have already collected it.

If you like this guide, be sure to check out our other Tower of Fantasy articles:

Check out this video by WoW Quests showing how to solve the Singularity Rocks:

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