Jusant has more than a hundred collectibles that players can find and discover all throughout the Tower. Each collectible offers a glimpse of the lives of the people who lived along the rise and ebb of the tides before the rains mysteriously stopped one day.
Read ahead as we share all the guides we’ve made that will help find each and every collectible in Jusant.
All Jusant Collectibles
There are 6 different types of collectibles in Jusant. There are logged collectibles like the Letters, Bianca’s Journal entries, and the Frescos, and all of their collection progress can be tracked through the menu. There are also the collectibles that are not logged but only need to be interacted with at least once to count, such as the Cairns, Shells, and Altars.
All of these collectibles can be missed in a run; however, it is recommended to complete the game first if some collectibles have been missed, as players can select a particular chapter to replay. Completing each type of collectible will unlock specific achievements.
Jusant Altars Guide
There are a total of 4 Altars to be interacted with, one in each chapter, starting from Chapter 2. Finding at least one altar will unlock the Back in Motion achievement, while finding all altars will unlock the Cycle Celebration achievement.
Jusant Bianca’s Journals Guide
There are a total of 13 Bianca’s journals to be found throughout the game. They are often found on tables that are lit up by lamps or lights. Collected journal entries can be reviewed by going to the Pause Menu > Letters > Bianca tab. Reading all of Bianca’s journal entries will unlock the Final Ascent achievement.
Jusant Cairns Guide
There are a total of 20 Cairns to be found throughout the game. They are a bit hard to spot from a distance, but a marker pops up above them once the kid gets closer to them. Discovering a cairn will unlock the First Stone achievement, while discovering all of the cairns will unlock the Common Ground achievement.
Jusant Frescos Guide
There are a total of 12 Frescos to be discovered throughout the game, starting in Chapter 2. These frescos are often found in huge rooms or chambers, and to activate them, the kid needs to get close to one and sound off an echo. An activated fresco will glow blue. Activating a single fresco will unlock the Echo from the Past achievement, while activating all frescos will unlock the Antique Gallery Manager achievement.
Jusant Shells Guide
There are a total of 12 Shells to be collected throughout the game. These shells are often found in places of importance for the previous inhabitants, such as workplaces or places of leisure. Finding a shell will unlock the An Ear to the Past achievement, while finding all shells will unlock the Sound Archeologist achievement.
Jusant Letters Guide

There are a total of 44 Letters to be found throughout the game. You can discover these letters either lying on the ground, resting on a desk, or occasionally displayed on a wall, typically in or around the deserted settlements of the Tower. You can access all the collected Letters by navigating to the Pause Menu > Letters.
Reading the first letter that you find will unlock the First Contact achievement, while reading all of the letters will unlock the Avid Reader achievement.
That covers all the collectibles you can find in Jusant. If you’re looking for a detailed walkthrough on each chapter of the game, you can refer to our guides listed below.
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