Out for the Count is one of the main missions in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga where Anakin and Obi-Wan head to General Grievous’ ship to rescue the kidnapped Chancellor Palpatine and bring him back to Coruscant.
In this guide, we will look into the tips and tricks on how to clear all challenges of the Out for the Count mission.
How to Unlock the Out for the Count Mission?
To unlock Out for the Count, you simply have to start Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.
There are three challenges in the Out for the Count mission which have their own conditions:
- Beep Boop Backup: Activate the friendly Turret Droid.
- Civil War: Defeat and enemy droid using their own kind.
- Wet Floor!: Take out the droideka like a true scoundrel.
Completing all challenges will reward you with a Kyber Brick.

How to Complete Out for the Count challenges in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
Beep Boop Backup Challenge
On the main hall of the level, look for the metal door that leads to the south. Use a villain to throw a grenade at the door to blast it. Then, use a Protocol Droid to interact with the terminal to the left to activate the turret droid and complete the challenge.
Civil War Challenge
Upon reaching the control room to the east, use your Protocol Droid to interact with the terminal. You’ll then be able to control a droideka and use it to destroy other droids, regardless if it is another droideka or not. Doing this will complete the challenge.
Wet Floor! Challenge
Find the hall that has a shooting droideka on top of a wet floor. Deactivate the lasers by using an Astromech Droid to be able to go through the hall, or you can also go around through the other halls. On the side of the hall, use a Scoundrel’s special aim to locate the power box and shoot it. It will then cause electricity to run on the wet floor and short circuit the droideka, completing the challenge.

Out for the Count Tips
- Try to get to the east control room without clearing many enemies in the accessible areas of the base. This way, you can easily spot an enemy once you manage to hijack the droideka.
- It’s recommended to play through the entire main story first to make sure that you have enough characters in each class.
Also check out our guide on how to get all Out For the Count Minikits in LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga.
If you like this Guide, check out our other LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga articles here.
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Check out this video by WoW Quests on how to complete the challenges in Out for the Count: