Discover the galaxy far, far away by collecting all of the LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Datacards. These Datacards, along with a substantial number of Studs, can be used to unlock a variety of extras and cheats for LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, including a mode that turns all lightsabers into baguettes.
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga includes 19 different collectible Datacards that can be found on various worlds, which are scattered throughout various locations in the game.
This guide will teach you everything you need to know about the LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Datacards and show you where to find datacards in the game and how to get them.
Datacards are collectibles in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga that allow you to unlock in-game extras such as weapon variations and credit unlocks. They function similarly to red bricks from previous LEGO Star Wars games but you might notice a few differences. Datacards are these gray rectangle-shaped blocks with a yellow circle in between.
How to find all LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga Datacards
There are 19 Datacards in LEGO Stars Wars: The Skywalker Saga. They can be found in numerous different locations which require some traveling and a keen eye to find. We recommend you pick a scavenger character and a Force-sensitive character in the roster of LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga because most datacards require those types of characters classes to reach. There are also a lot of useful characters that can be unlocked using LEGO Stars Wars: The Skywalker Saga cheat codes.
Each cheat requires a Datacard and a different amount of Studs. If you simply want a few cheats, you don’t have to collect every Datacard and you can get them in any order you choose. Even if the Datacard emits a golden light, finding them can be challenging due to their tendency to be located in inaccessible areas.
The Exegol datacard is located in the Sith Citadel above the pipes.
Make your way to the south side of the landing pad, where you will board the lift that will take you to the lower level of the building. You can climb up using a rope and balance yourself across to achieve it.
The Kef Bir Datacard is located in the crash site over at the Company 77 Village. The datacard is hiding behind a straw hut.
To get the Kef Bir Datacard, head north to the Company 77 Village location, then head to the southwest corner. Once you’ve located the thatched cabin, you’ll want to check the area behind it for the datacard. You can squeeze around the sides to get it.
The Endor Datacard is located in the Ewok Village, turn right from the landing zone and proceed along a spiraling stairway that wraps around a tree trunk. Make your way all the way down and right to the end of the path you’ll see some leaves suspended from the walkway above you.
The Endor Datacard can be obtained by solving a puzzle. You need a character with a blaster to shoot the vines on the right side and hit the bullseye. Destroy the leaves to uncover a small target at the bottom of the screen, which you must shoot. This will unlock a nearby hatch on the tree trunk, the vault will open and you can grab the datacard.
Federal District
The first Coruscant Datacard is located in the Federal District. From the North Landing Pad in the Federal District, you must travel northwest to the Senate View sector. You’ll see a ledge on the north edge of the platform if you look down. Jump to the ground and walk across the planks to safely cross the gap, then turn left.
To get the Coruscant, Federal District datacard, you have to use both your characters to press the buttons and turn it off. A forcefield will be preventing you from entering a small room that contains the Datatcard.
First, destroy the adjacent crates to reveal two red buttons on the floor. To obtain the datacard, one character must stand on both red buttons. To do so, walk one character on top of the button, swap to your other character, and then move the second character onto the other button. In this manner, the forcefield will be deactivated, allowing you to retrieve the Datacard.
Uscru District
The second Coruscant Datacard is located in Uscru District behind a yellow tower structure. It can be found in the ring-shaped area on the southern edge of the lower level of the Uscru District, which is located right outside the Outlander Club.
To get the Coruscant, Uscru District datacard jump across the gap in front of the ring by using the mini pedestals. You’ll find the Datacard on the other side of the ring if you run around to the other side. You can use the pillar to jump when the prompt appears.
The Jakku Datacard is located in Niima Outpost in the center of some ship debris. From the Jakku landing pad, proceed northwest down the sand dunes and seek for the cylindrical wreckage of a crashed ship. You’ll have to trek your way through the desert to get there.
To get the Jakku, Niima Outpost datacard, locate the cylindrical part of the crashed ship hidden in the sand. If you are having trouble finding it, it is located just north of the gigantic ship that you salvage for parts in the sand dunes. Gain access to to the vessel and dive into the cavern below to seize the Datacard.
The Takodana Datacard is located in Maz’s Castle. From your ship’s landing area, walk west down the lake’s edge, past the fisherman perched atop a pillar at the end of the walkway, is where the Datacard is located.
The Takodana, Maz’s Castle datacard requires that you grapple to one of the taller pillars with a button on the top. To climb the pillar at the end of the trail, utilize a character like an Astromech Droid or Hero. The Datacard can be found in a secret chest that can be raised from the water by standing on the button at the top of the pillar. Once you press that button, a chest will emerge from the waters with the datacard inside.
The Crait Datacard is located at the Crait Outpost above some pipes. On top of some red pipes in the landing pad room’s northeast corner is where you can find the Crait Datacard.
To get the Crait, Crait Outpost datacard, you need to climb up the stairs on the left, and utilize a character like an Astromech Droid or Hero to grapple there. The ladders on the nearby platforms can be used to ascend them from the landing pad. Jump and grab onto an orange handle at the end of the third level, and then hop onto the ledge where the Datacard is located.
The Bespin Datacard is located in the Cloud City behind a weak wall structure that you can break with the Breaker Blaster. After landing on Bespin’s Cloud City, the Datacard can be found in the Central Plaza area where you’ll find a blazing, cracked door over a chasm in the area’s southeast corner.
To get the Bespin, Cloud City datacard, switch to a Scavenger character because your only option is to utilize the Breaker Blaster Scavenger ability from LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga to blow open the door. You can then use the orange LEGO handles to grapple across the gap and get your hands on the Datacard.
The Hoth Datacard is located above the ceiling lights in the Eco Base. The Hoth Datacard can be found on top of a light fixture in the Main Hangar.
To get the Hoth, Eco Base datacard you need to use a character with a grappling hook in order to reach it. More orange LEGO handles can be found by going to the northeastern area of the hangar. To reach the top of the walkway, climb the ice wall and then turn to the right to find a LEGO bar that you may grapple to.
Take a step forward and grapple towards the light fixture’s LEGO bar. Once you’ve dropped the bar, you can grapple onto the other light fixtures to make your way to the one that holds the Datacard. Drop down the bar once you’ve found the correct light fixture and you’ll pick up the card as you go down.
The Dagobah Datacard can be found floating above the vines in the Dragonsnake Bog swamp. There is a little alcove in the southeast corner of Dagobah’s Dragonsnake Bog that contains the Datacard.
To get the Dagobah, Dragonsnake Bog datacard, use a character with a grappling hook to reach it. To retrieve the Datacard, you’ll need to use the orange LEGO handles on the branch to climb up to the top of a curving tree branch.
The Mustafar Datacard is behind a large pillar on the upper section of the Mining Complex. Proceed straight through the extensive corridors and catwalks that connect the various buildings, towards the northern section of the map.
You’ll ultimately come out onto a catwalk with some yellow steps at the end, a lavafall on your right, and a volcano on your left. Make your way up the stairwell and toward the incline on the left, and then climb the stairwell to reach the higher platform where you can find the Mustafar datacard.
To get the Mustafar Mining Complex datacard, use a character with a grappling hook to platform the sides to reach it. The southeast corner of the platform contains a massive, vertical metal pipe that you can use to get to the other side.
Check the edge and you’ll see some orange LEGO handles attached to the pipe, which you can grapple to if you’re in the right place and not falling off. If you continue to grapple along the LEGO handles, you’ll be able to pick up the Mustafar Datacard.
The Geonosis Datacard is located inside a hole above the mountains in Stalgasin Hive. Make your way to the Canyons, which is roughly in the middle of the map, where you’ll come across a large cliff.
To get the Geonosis, Stalgasin Hive datacard, once again use a character who can grapple to scale the mountainside. Once you’ve grappled one of the LEGO handles, you can begin your ascent of the cliff, which will take you eastward towards the Datacard.
Run down a narrow ledge at the base of the cliff as you approach the edge. There are plenty more LEGO handled that you may grapple to help you climb the rest of the cliff as you continue. The Geonosis Datacard in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga will be waiting for you at the top.
The first datacard is in Jundland Wastes, located high above the rocky mountains. To get to it, you’ll have to go to the southern portion of the middle level, where Old Ben Kenobi’s House is located, where you’ll find a cliff wall that you need to climb.
To get the Tatooine, Jundland Wastes datacard, you need a Force-sensitive character to arrange poles to swing around on to reach it, then platform your way above.
You need to ascend the cliff wall with a Lightsaber and then utilize the orange handles to jump up the rest of the cliff. From the cliff, look left to see a pile of LEGO rubble. You can use the Force to lift a brown pole and insert it into a cliff socket. Swing this and other poles over the big gap. To bridge the gap to the next area, you must perform the same thing on the other side. Stay on the cliff ledge and jump up to the rock. Run across to the other side and look for the Datacard across another gap. Then jump over to get the Tatooine, Jundland Wastes datacard.

Mos Espa
The second Tatooine Datacard is in Mos Espa, in one of the houses located in the Slave Quarters. Go to the northwest section of the map and go through an alleyway. The house to the farthest will contain the datacard.
To get the datacard you just need to find the correct house that contains the datacard. Enter the house, and the Datacard is on the other side of the house in a little storeroom. Take the steps up the building and onto the roof to get it. Jump from the ledge and you’ll be able to see the illuminated Datacard on the other side.
Mos Eisley
The third Tatooine Datacard is in Mos Eisley floating in front of one of the buildings. Make your way to the Civilian Quarters, which can be found in the northeastern area of the map. To find it, look for a large building with three red and white hues painted on it. You’ll then be able to see the Datacard dangling beneath the center shade.
To get the datacard you have to use a Force-sensitive character to stack up objects on top of each other to reach it. Simply use the Force to construct a tower from surrounding blocks to get you to reach the datacard. A three-block tower and a double jump will be sufficient to get you the Tatooine, Mos Eisley datacard in no time.
The Kashyyyk Datacard Location lies on top of Tree Vikkilynn in Kachirho. To get to the Tree Vikkilynn, walk northeast from the South Beach landing location and up the massive roots of the tree. Continue climbing the tree until you reach the top level, where you will find some spherical platforms built by Wookiees.
To get the datacard, you have to climb up the tree and then platform across another balcony to get to the datacard. Double-jump across the gap to reach the far platform as you emerge from the tree interior and head left. The luminous Datacard can be grabbed by jumping into the window.
The Yavin 4 Datacard lies in the Great Temple just near the landing pad. Head to the exact center of the Temple Hangar and take a position on the western side by standing on the massive brick bridge that spans the entire hangar.
To get the datacard you need a character who can grapple to get to the top platform. When you reach the western side of the bridge, you’ll see some orange LEGO handles that you can use to grapple and climb up to the top. Use the orange handles to jump up to a higher deck, where the Datacard will be at the top platform.
The Cantonica Datacard is located on the balcony on one of the houses in Canto Bight. Head into one of the alleys of the Old Town district of Canto Bight, which is located just north of the Landing Pad and is accessible by foot. Look for the card on a high balcony in a dead-end alleyway in Old Town, where the Canto Bight Boyz are engaged in a fight for a Kyber brick.
To get datacard you have to use a character who can grapple across the walls to reach it. Then, use grapple from the entrance of the alley, then continue to grapple along the walls until you reach the balcony where you may just drop down to get the Cantonica datacard from the top of the building.
All LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga Extra
Collecting datacards allows you to unlock in-game extras such as weapon skin variations and credit boosts. However, they also allow you to unlock wackier modes such as Big Heads and Baguette Lightsabers.
These LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga in-game extras can be quite costly. Even after you’ve found the datacards, you still have to purchase them with credits which can range from 250,000 credits all the way to 500,000,000 credits which is a fortune.
Code | Cost [Studs & DataCard] | Effect |
Baguette Lightsabers | 250,000 Studs, 1 Datacard | Turns lightsabers into bread. |
Big Head Mode | 500,000 Studs, 1 Datacard | Gives your characters giant heads. |
Cantina Music | 250,000 Studs, 1 Datacard | Plays the Do Do Do Do Cantina Theme on a loop. |
Comedy Weapons | 250,000 Studs, 1 Datacard | Blasters are replaced with silly items. |
Galaxy Rave | 500 million Studs, 1 Datacard | Turns Free Play into a disco. |
GNK Civilians | 1 million Studs, 1 Datacard | Turns all civillian NPCs into GNK Droids. |
Hologram Mode | 500,000 Studs, 1 Datacard | Gives your characters a hologram look. |
Mumble Mode | Free | Replaces real voices with classic LEGO Star Wars mumble sounds. |
Pew Pew | 500,000 Studs, 1 Datacard | Changes blaster sound effects to “pew pew”. |
Porg Companion | 500,000 Studs, 1 Datacard | A friendly Porg helps you in battle. |
Rainbow Effects | 250,000 Studs, 1 Datacard | Replaces attack effects with a rainbow trail. |
Retro Mode | 250,000 Studs, 1 Datacard | Adds a retro effect to the screen. |
Studs x10 | 384 million Studs, 1 Datacard | Collected Studs are worth ten times as much. |
Studs x2 | 1 million Studs, 1 Datacard | Collected Studs are worth twice as much. |
Studs x4 | 2 million Studs, 1 Datacard | Collected Studs are worth four times as much. |
Studs x6 | 8 million Studs, 1 Datacard | Collected Studs are worth six times as much. |
Studs x8 | 48 million Studs, 1 Datacard | Collected Studs are worth eight times as much. |
Super GNK Droid | 1 million Studs, 1 Datacard | Adds a golden, invincible, GNK Droid to your party. |
Television Mode | 250,000 Studs, 1 Datacard | Adds a TV flicker to the screen. |
Universal Translator | 500,000 Studs, 1 Datacard | Lets all playable character understand any language. |
How to get Stud multipliers in LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga
Stud multipliers in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga are extras you need to immediately unlock. Knowing there are a ton of things to buy and unlock with Studs, the Stud multipliers will help you get Studs much quicker. In order to unlock the Stud multiplier extras, you need one datacard each and the number of Studs to unlock them as listed in the table above.
After unlocking the Stud multipliers, you’ll get to farm a lot of Studs in a short amount of time, bringing you closer to unlocking all the collectibles in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.
Check out this video from Thomas’ Trophy Guides where each location of datacards is shown in great detail.
If this guide helped you out, we have other guides for you to take a look at that may help you on your LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga journey.