Of all the weird things Kiryu is asked to find in Like a Dragon Gaiden, he’s tasked with looking for clown makeup in the ‘Turn That Frown Upside Down, Clown’ request. Apparently, you can’t just walk into any store to buy it, and you’d be surprised at how much clown makeup costs. So prepare to put in some effort if you want to find it.
In this guide, I’ll show you how to complete the ‘Turn That Frown Upside Down, Clown’ request by finding the clown makeup in Like a Dragon Gaiden.
Where to Get the Clown Makeup
You can get Clown Makeup from The Castle’s Boutique by purchasing it for 500,000 yen. It is an item that is only available for purchase once you’ve reached Gold rank in the Coliseum.
In order to get to the Coliseum, you’ll have to take a taxi. There should be plenty around Sotenbori. Once you’re there, head to the Castle Boutique, which is next to the Gambling Hall on Castle Central Street, and talk to the clerk, who will direct you to a screen where you can set your clothes.
Getting the Clown Makeup is a lengthy task for both its requirements and the asking price. However, you’ll eventually be well on your way to meeting the requirements as you progress through the story. Reaching Gold rank in the Coliseum is necessary to progress Like a Dragon Gaiden’s story, and you should be well on your way to seeing 500,000 yen as pocket change by that point.
To reach Gold rank in the Coliseum, you need to raise Akame’s Network to at least level 10. You can do this by helping people around Sotenbori, like that one guy who’s looking for an Ono Michio figure, a so-called hidden one who wants to play hide-and-seek, and other oddballs. The other requirement is to win Bronze and Silver rank matches, which you’ll be doing anyway as part of the story.
How to Complete Turn That Frown Upside Down, Clown

While walking on Sotenbori St., Kiryu will come across a distressed family with a crying child across the Club SEGA arcade. The father will explain that his kid loves clowns and won’t stop crying until he sees one. This becomes one of your Akame’s Network requests called ‘Turn That Frown Upside Down, Clown,’ where Kiryu is tasked with becoming a clown himself.

Once the request starts, immediately head to the nearest taxi cab and fast travel to The Castle. From there, walk down the pathway and then head to your right inside The Castle Boutique store. Talk to the male clerk on the right of the store to open the outfit customization screen. Buy the Clown Makeup for 500,000 yen.
If the Clown Makeup isn’t available yet, then you must first reach Gold rank in the Coliseum. You’ll have to fight through Bronze and Silver matches and then get your Akame Network to Level 10 by helping people around Sotenbori. Once you reach Gold rank, you purchase the Clown Makeup from The Castle Boutique store.
Equip the Clown Makeup on Kiryu and return to the family in Sotenbori St. Since there aren’t any actual clowns in Sotenbori, Kiryu takes up the role of being one and cheering up the distressed kid. This will complete the Turn That Frown Upside Down, Clown request.
You only need the Clown Makeup to complete the ‘Turn That Frown Upside Down, Clown’ request. You’re also free to choose other outfits for Kiryu to wear. This will cheer up the kid in Sotenbori once you return and reward you with 75,000 yen along with 600 Akame Points.
That explains how to get the clown makeup and complete the ‘Turn That Frown Upside Down, Clown Request’ in Like a Dragon Gaiden. For more tutorials and walkthroughs, feel free to check them out on our main page for Like a Dragon Gaiden.