Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE Difficulty Options (Explained)

How hard do you want Master Detective Archives RAIN CODE to be?

Master Detective Archives RAIN CODE Difficulty Options (Explained) cover image

What does the Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE difficulty options do? When you’re playing a detective game, the usual impression of a difficulty setting automatically concludes that the puzzles may be harder to solve. However, the difficulty options in the game mean something different here.

Find out what the Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE difficulty settings actually affect.

What Do The Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE Difficulty Options Do?

The difficulty options don’t do anything for Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE. No matter what difficulty setting you pick, the game will carry out the same without affecting anything gameplay wise.

At the beginning of Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE, you’re asked to select a difficulty between Gentle, Mean, Troublesome, and Adorable by a strange ghost like figure. This is actually just a joke, with the last difficulty not at all scaling up with the others. The difficulty options are a nod to Danganronpa, another series from Spike Chunsoft that does offer this difficulty options that make the game more challenging.

To make sense of the reference, in Danganronpa there is a trial section of the game after investigation. Depending on what difficulty you select, you’ll have less time to react, harder mini-games, and answering wrong will generally be more punishing. You do get the Mystery Labyrinth in Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE but the difficulty options you’ve selected don’t affect anything.

Instead of a traditional difficulty option, Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE gives you skills that you can invest in that help make the game easier. You earn these by getting Detective Points (DP) and ranking up once you’ve accumulated enough. You earn DP by continuously doing investigations and taking part in side quests.

So there you have it. Now you’re aware that the difficulty options don’t actually do anything in Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE. For those who spent a significant time trying to figure out what difficulty they want, we feel for you.