One Piece Odyssey Ending Explained

One Piece Odyssey ending featured

All great journeys come to an end and even the Straw Hats have to call it a day. The One Piece Odyssey ending neatly ties up all the loose ends to give us a memorable tale. Let’s talk about the ending of One Piece Odyssey.

This article contains major spoilers for those who have not finished the game.

What happens in the One Piece Odyssey ending?

After taking control of Divine Breath, Adio fatally shoots Lim who is reverted into a cube fragment and reveals his plans to destroy the world and rebuild a new one. As the marines arrive and start using artillery to bomb Waford, the Straw Hats chase after Adio to stop him from using Divine Breath and restore Lim back to her original form.

Adio reveals that he never cared about Lim; that she was just a pawn for him to fulfill his dream of rebuilding the world. This enrages Luffy and the crew who have grown to see Adio as a friend. The final boss fight with Divine Breath ensues.

Once the Divine Breath is defeated, Luffy and Adio get into one last fight to decide which of their philosophies is right. Luffy wins and discovers that a red eyed version of Lim exists and Adio tells him that the version of Lim the Straw Hats they knew was just a copy of hers. The red-eyed Lim tells Luffy that Adio must’ve purposefully missed shooting Lim fatally because he still cares about her.

One Piece Odyssey Ending Explained

Adio laughs at this and tells her it’s a misunderstanding. As he walks away, he tells Luffy that he still has no plans of abandoning his goals even though he lost. Adio gives Luffy a trinket that symbolizes his people and uses the remains of the defeated Divine Breath to fly to the marines bombing the island.

After the marines have been dispatched, the Lim everyone knows is restored back to her form. Luffy is happy to see her again and gives her the trinket that Adio threw at him. Several days later the Straw Hats exchange their heartfelt goodbyes with the two Lims as they sail off to a new adventure. A cube fragment the crew don’t see glows behind some cargo in their ship.

What happened to Adio at the end of One Piece Odyssey?

Adio flies away on Divine Breath to fight the marines who are bombing Waford. It isn’t shown what happens to him, but he presumably is alive as Nami wonders if Adio will ever come back to Waford and the crew confirms that he wouldn’t abandon Lim.

This doesn’t confirm if Adio is alive, as even Usopp isn’t sure of his status. He is more than likely alive as Zoro and the rest of the crew are confident he survived taking on the marines. Despite all the struggle, the Straw Hats wrestled a happy ending thanks to the hardships they encountered.

What happened to Adio at the end of One Piece Odyssey

That explains the One Piece Odyssey ending. If you like this guide, we have more One Piece Odyssey guides for you to check out:

This Youtube video from KabukiSage shows the One Piece Odyssey ending and final boss fight.

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