Overwatch 2 has been announced to arrive on October 4, 2022 and with that, players will get to see and play as their favorite Overwatch heroes once more. As a hero-shooter, Overwatch 2 characters are definitely the highlight, and the game’s roster of heroes have their own backstories, and unique hero skills and abilities which make their interactions amongst the rest of the characters feel more special and interesting.
Will Overwatch 2 have all characters?
Yes, all playable characters from Overwatch will be coming back in Overwatch 2, plus two new heroes will also be joining the fray.
Will Overwatch 2 have new heroes?
It was stated during the Bethesda and Xbox showcase that every year, Overwatch 2 will introduce a new hero and Overwatch 2 will be free-to-play.
How many Overwatch 2 characters are there?
Overwatch 2 will have a total of 33 characters or playable heroes. Currently, Overwatch 2 beta gives players access to all 32 returning heroes from the original Overwatch, along with the brand-new character Sojourn from Overwatch 2.
Though there have been a lot of changes done with their move sets and attacks, almost everyone from the first game will be returning to Overwatch 2 in their same roles, except for Doomfist who is now reworked to play as a Tank.
If you are new to the world of Overwatch, or if you just want a refresher on who is who and what they’re good at, then read on as we’ve compiled a list of all the playable Overwatch 2 characters.
New Overwatch 2 Characters
- Sojourn
- Junker Queen
These new Overwatch 2 heroes will be added once Overwatch 2 goes live. These two new characters are also available to be played during the closed beta tests.

Sojourn is basically a cyborg and a very capable Overwatch captain. She strives to become a better version of herself, hence she willingly continued to accept getting cybernetic modifications to her body as upgrades. Her primary weapon is the railgun which deals massive damage to targets. Sojourn was available to be played during the previous beta test and is tagged as a Damage character.

Junker Queen
Junker Queen is the self-proclaimed queen of Junkertown and rules over its inhabitants. She is a very capable fighter and is respected by everyone in the town, except for the Junkrat and Roadhog duo who has caused her a lot problems. She wields an axe on one hand and a gun on the other. Junker Queen will be available during the next closed beta test and is tagged as a Tank character.

Overwatch 2 DPS Characters
- Ashe
- Bastion
- Cassidy
- Echo
- Genji
- Hanzo
- Junkrat
- Mei
The Damage characters, also known as the Overwatch 2 DPS (damage per second) characters, are a team’s main damage dealers who play more offensively in matches.

Ashe mows down her enemies using her rifle and she can also call in her omnic ally B.O.B to provide some offensive support, crowd control and some cover. She grew up in a privileged family, but decided to leave that life to become an outlaw.

Bastion the portable turret/siege tank can switch forms and either bring down a hail of bullets or blast an explosive artillery shell, plus it can repair itself, making it quite a well-rounded character for beginners to try.

Cassidy is the bounty hunter that has a deadeye precision that can wipe out a bunch of enemies in an instant. Some in-real-life controversies may have pushed the name change, but he’s still the same gunslinger.

Echo is a highly advanced robot who is designed to be swift and deadly. Thanks to its artificial intelligence, it has the ability to copy another hero, not only to their likeness, but it can also copy their skills.

Genji is the cybernetic ninja who strikes with his katana which can also deflect not only bullets, but also deadly finishers when timed right. Genji’s speed and agility makes up for his melee range, plus he also has his shuriken that he can throw from afar.

Hanzo is the skilled warrior assassin who is a master of sniping his enemies from a distance with his bow. He also plays out as a scout who can reveal enemy position, which comes in handy when his ultimate is ready.

Junkrat is the mad lad who just likes to see things explode. Everything in his arsenal is made to bring destruction to everyone who gets close to it, especially his ultimate, which is basically death on wheels.

Mei is the researcher-turned-hero who uses her cryogenic technology to freeze everyone in their tracks literally. Though she is considered a Damage hero, her skills are meant to be played defensively, plus her regular attack and ultimate both provide some crowd control.

Phara excels in aerial mobility and can shoot out rockets from the sky. Her verticality allows for setting up easy ambushes from up above, and when paired with a support, Pharah can become an unstoppable force.

Reaper is back with his akimbo shooting style and his signature death blossom. He moves through the shadows like a wraith and excels in barging in through formations to pick players in the back row.

Soldier: 76
Soldier: 76 is a vigilante whose identity unknown, however he is undeniably a well-trained soldier who has a very tactical skill set. He is an easy pick for those who are well-versed in FPS games.

Sombra is a master of disruption, using others’ tech dependability to her advantage by hacking into them and messing with their gear. She can also do both detection and stealth to easily slip through enemy lines undetected.

Symmetra uses the power of hard-light to defeat her enemies, either by using her projector or her sentry turrets. She can also deploy teleporters that she and her teammates can use to easily get around the map.

Torbjorn has his trusty turret that he can deploy on the map to provide some additional cover fire. It is best used by placing it at strategic points to secure an area, and it can even be propped up on a payload and turn it into a mobile turret.

Tracer got into an unfortunate accident, which made her literally blink from time and space. Thanks to gear made specifically for her by Winston, she now takes advantage of her ability which allows her to zip through the map really fast, and even make time reverse for herself.

Widowmaker has been turned into a sleeper agent against her own will and is now known as a very efficient and deadly assassin. She uses her gun’s sniper mode to eliminate anyone from across the map with a single bullet, living true to her line, “One shot, one kill.”

Overwatch 2 Support Characters
- Ana
- Baptiste
- Brigitte
- Lucio
- Mercy
- Moira
- Zenyatta

Ana uses her sniper rifle to not only eliminate opponents, but also to heal teammates. She can also shoot out nano boost bullets to temporarily boost teammates’, or shoot out sleep darts to disable opponents. She may be one of the oldest Overwatch operative, but she can still be an important asset in the field.

Baptiste is a combat medic that once joined talon out of desperation, but has long abandoned the organization after learning about their brutality. He can aid his teammates through his biotic launcher and even prevent them from dying with his immortality field.

Brigitte wields her flail and barrier shield to go into close combat, even against opponents who use ranged weapons. Even just by being nearby her allies, she can provide boosts such as faster movement and shields, plus every hit with her flail can also heal those that are close to her.

Lucio was once a musical celebrity that turned into a local hero when he saved his town from being taken over. He uses the power of music and soundwaves from his sonic amplifier to knock away opponents and provide speed boosts or healing to nearby allies.

Mercy provides her angelic assistance to the battleground by being able to follow allies while healing them, and even resurrecting them if they fall. She is one of the few characters that has the ability to fly, so the verticality is an added benefit to avoid being directly within a crossfire.

Moira literally has the power to give life and take life on each of her hands. This questionable tech that she developed has destroyed her credibility as a scientist, but it did not stop her from gaining the interest of other parties, and now she offers her skills on the battlefield.

Zenyatta is an omnic monk whose mission is to repair the rift between the humans and the omnics through peaceful ways. It uses its orbs to sustain allies, but it can also use the same orbs as projectiles to destroy opponents.

Overwatch 2 Tank Characters
- D.Va
- Doomfist
- Orisa
- Reinhardt
- Roadhog
- Sigma
- Winston
- Wrecking Ball
- Zarya

D.Va is known for being a top professional FPS gamer and because of her skills, she was drafted to become one of the pilots of the MEKA. Her quick reflexes gained from years of gaming has proven useful in piloting the mech which she uses are her primary weapon.

Doomfist has a great ambition for humanity to get stronger, however his means of doing it is through conflict and war. He lost his arm from an omnic incident, however it was replaced by a massive prosthetic arm which made him more powerful than ever.

Orisa is the creation of Efi, a young brilliant girl who wanted Numbani to have its own protector. Aside from providing barriers to its allies, it can also deploy a supercharger that boosts allies’ firepower.

Reinhardt is a valorous knight who wield his rocket hammer to smash through enemy lines. He has been serving his knighthood for decades and has fought in many battles, but still wants to protect everyone, humans and omnics alike. He serves as Overwatch’s shield, and can also deal devastating smash attacks.

Roadhog is a junker and is known as a ruthless killer after disorder caused by the omnic war ruined their hometown. He now uses his chain hook to pull opponents and rip them apart with his scrap gun. He’s usually with Junkrat, causing chaos wherever they go.

Sigma was also a product of a failed experiment that has gone terribly sideways. He then gained the power of gravity and slowly learned how to control it while working with Talon. He now harnesses the power of gravity as he makes protective barriers, chucks projectiles, and even send enemies crashing down to the ground.

Winston is a highly intelligent gorilla raised on the lunar base. Because of his intellect, he did not only learn how to communicate to humans, he was also able to help in creating inventions and gear that would aid himself and the rest of the Overwatch team.

Wrecking Ball
Wrecking Ball is the name taken by Hammond, one of the test animals from the lunar base. After hitching a ride on Winston’s escape pod and landing in Junkertown, he used his enhanced intellect to create the Wrecking Ball mech. This mech allows not only mobility through rolling, but it can also shoot grappling hooks and swing using them, hence the name.

Zarya was working on becoming a professional weightlifter, but had to abandon the dream to save her hometown from another omnium attack. She now uses her particle cannon to create powerful barriers, and her ultimate can also draw in opponents for an easy elimination.
If you like this Guide, be sure to check out our other Overwatch 2 articles:
- How to join the next Overwatch 2 Beta
- Overwatch 2 Crossplay & Cross-Progression Explained
- Overwatch 2 Content Roadmap Details What’s to Come for the F2P Game and More
- Junker Queen to Join the Roster as Overwatch 2 Launches This October
- Overwatch 2 Beta is Not What You Thought It Was
Check out this deep dive video by the PlayOverwatch official YouTube account showcasing Junker Queen: