Ghostwire Tokyo is a supernational first-person shooter that tells the story of Akito and his spectral buddy, KK. As an...
A curiosity for all things Occult is not a bad thing, but when the literal manifestation of negative emotions comes...
Digging up the past leads to us understanding more about our past. However, in Ghostwire Tokyo digging up lost and...
In Ghostwire Tokyo, we deal with a lot of really, really old things. Some are valued due to their place...
Weapons could come in handy against the Visitors of Ghostwire Tokyo. Unfortunately, the Weapon Nerd Nekomata collects mostly replica weapons...
Taking care of dolls is an expensive hobby, especially those that have a history to them. And in the world...
Music plays all the time in the streets of Shibuya, but in Ghostwire Tokyo that’s all wasted on the Visitors...
We could all use a playful distraction from time to time. I doubt Akito has much time for such things...
Throughout Akito’s journey in Ghostwire Tokyo, he will sometimes come across a stall wherein a Nekomata will request his services...
The streets of Shibuya in Ghostwire Tokyo are pretty empty since the fog rolled in. Thankfully, there’s a certain artsy...