Ghostwire Tokyo – All Archeology Nekomata Relic Request Locations

Here is where to find all Ghostwire Tokyo Archeology Nekomata Relic Request Locations.

Digging up the past leads to us understanding more about our past. However, in Ghostwire Tokyo digging up lost and forgotten shrines seems to lead the world towards disaster. Anyway, it’s important that artifacts be carefully dug up and studied, which is something I assume the Archeology Nekomata is more than capable of doing.

As the name suggests, the Archeology Nekomata is one that deals in everything ancient and buried. Its 7 relic requests all appear to be actual museum pieces. Look something that shouldn’t be in the hands of normal people.

The Ghostwire Tokyo Archeology Nekomata can be found within the Tatsui Shrine. Here’s where you can find all 7 Ghostwire Tokyo Archeology Nekomata relic request locations in Shibuya.

What are Nekomata Relic Requests in Ghostwire Tokyo?

The Nekomata in Ghostwire Tokyo are yokai who are more than happy to provide supplies and ammunition to Akito for the right price. These wheelin’ and dealin’ cat-like yokai only deal in a special currency called Meika.

Occasionally, you may be tasked with acquiring relics for the Nekomata in exchange for Meika and other rewards. It is beneficial for both parties that these good relations continue for as long as possible. And nothing is more friendly than doing someone a favor.

Ghostwire Tokyo Archeology Nekomata Relic Request List

  1. Shakokidogu
  2. Jomon Pottery
  3. Yayoi Pottery
  4. Haniwa
  5. Dotaku
  6. Dokyo
  7. Kan’ei Tsuho

Ghostwire Tokyo Archeology Nekomata Relic Request Locations

Relic 1 – Shakokidogu

Located in the same location as the Yashin Shrine. The shakokidogu can be found in a box across the pit from the shrine gate.

Reward: 12,200 Meika

Relic 2 – Jomon Pottery

Located in front of an apartment complex northeast of the Shiratsuki Shrine. The Jomon pottery can be found half-buried in a mound surrounded by piles of clothes.

Reward: 22,000 Meika

Relic 3 – Yayoi Pottery

Located in a dirt lot northeast of the Chishima Shrine. The Yayoi pottery can be found in a shallow hole in the ground.

Reward: 18,000 Meika

Relic 4 – Haniwa

Located inside the Onten Shrine. The Haniwa can be found left of the altar.

Reward: 16,000 Meika

Relic 5 – Dotaku

Located in the Construction Labyrinth southeast of the Yashin Shrine. The Dotaku can be found half-buried in a mound of dirt in the underground area of the construction site.

Reward: 11,500 Meika

Relic 6 – Dokyo

Located within the open grounds of a building west of Onten Shrine. The Dokyo can be found half-buried in a tree planter.

Reward: 12,800 Meika

Relic 7 – Kan’ei Tsuho

Located within the empty lot of the Tsukinami Restricted Area north of the Shiroyama Shrine. The Kan’ei Tsuho can be found inside a plate in the southeast corner of the lot.

Reward: 8,500 Meika

Ghostwire Tokyo Archeology Nekomata Relic Request Bonus Rewards

These rewards are based on how many requests you’ve completed in the Ghostwire Tokyo Archeology Nekomata Relic Request.

  • Complete 3 Requests
    • Outfit: Towel
  • Complete 5 Requests
    • Outfit: Safety Helmet
  • Complete All Requests
    • Astral Beads

And that’s about it for the Ghostwire Tokyo Archeology Nekomata relic request locations. I hope this guide helped you out on your search! And remember there are other Nekomata out there looking for help in their own searches.

To learn more about Ghostwire Tokyo and its gameplay, check out Bethesda Softworks’ Official Gameplay Deep Dive.

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