The Best in Class quest in Destiny 2 acts as an introduction for Guardian Games rookies. Destiny 2’s Best in Class is a quest that you’ll come across while completing many of the annual even’s activities. Completing this quest gives you a firm grasp of the event’s mechanics and start earning Laurels and Medallions.
Guardians will have 3 more weeks to experience the event and grab some good loot. So without further ado, Here is everything you need to know about the Best in Class quest in Destiny 2.
It couldn’t be easier to begin this quest and join the Guardian Games. In total, there are nine steps in the quest, and here’s what you need to do:
Step 1 – Purchase Contender Cards

You can start the Best in Class quest by heading to The Tower, talking to Eva Levante, and purchase a Contender Card.
If you complete a Contender card, you’ll be rewarded with Medallions and Class progress. Vanguard, Crucible, and Gambit are just a few of the many sub-categories. The easier ones cost 100 Laurels, while the more challenging ones cost 200 Laurels.
Step 2 – Earn Medallions and Laurels
A total of 10 laurels, as well as medallions, are required for the second step, though the quest does not indicate how many medallions are required.
Using your abilities is all it takes to earn Laurels (Supers, grenades, and charged melee abilities). While Medallions can be obtained by performing game activities such as Strikes, Battlegrounds or Contender Cards.

Step 3 – Speak to Eva Levante in the Tower
Return to the Tower and speak with Eva Levante for the next step. You’ll receive a Medallion Case from her, which displays all of your progress during the annual event.

Step 4 – Deposit Your Medallion at the Guardian Games Podium
Following that, you’ll need to bring your Medallions to the Guardian Games podium in the courtyard and deposit them there. You’ll find it directly behind Eva.
You should interact with the podium when you get to the stage so that you can deposit any Medallions you’ve earned while grinding. You must stand in front of the color of your class. Blue for Hunters, Red for Titans, and Yellow for Warlock.
Step 5 – Return to Eva Levante in the Tower
As soon as you return to Eva, you’ll be given the Guardian Games: Medallion Battalion quest, which is a 15-part quest that you can complete throughout the event.

Step 6 – Speak to Commander Zavala in the Tower
Now, speak with Commander Zavala in order to gain access to the Guardian Games: Recreational playlist. You may find him at The Tower, behind Eva.

Step 7 – Complete an Activity in the Guardian Games: Recreational Playlist
After that, complete an activity from the Recreational playlist to receive your first Vanguard Medal for the Guardian Games 2022 event.
Select the Tower from the Directions menu, and then click the Guardian Games logo on the left to begin your grind
Step 8 – Return to Commander Zavala in the Tower
Return to the tower and speak with Commander Zavala. This will allow you access to the Shoot to Score quest as well as the Guardian Games: Training Playlist, which you can complete in one sitting.
Step 9 – Return to Eva Levante in the Tower
Finally, have another conversation with Eva, and she will award you with the Title SMG, as well as unlocking the Top of Class quest.
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Here’s a video by Karpo Gaming on Destiny 2 – Best In Class FULL Quest Guide: